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Slept in on a Saturday morning, but can still sleep in and make EC run prior to my Q at Off The Rails. The beauty of later starts on the …

Are we still doing this?

I know we have a newfangled method of tracking workouts with attendance and what happened on slack with PaxMate, but part of me still enjoys typing it out for posterity. …

bib q commish

In a World…

The scene is dark, still and very quiet. There is barely any visible light but then we are jolted by the sound of an alarm clock and the darkness is …

q the commish fwd

A Quiet FWD

A calmness and cool 66 degrees captivated 10 apparently groggy HIM this morning at FWD.  With no mumble chatter apparent, I gave a brief disclaimer, and we then started with …

q lions den thecommish

I love the Lions Den

Ah.. July in Carpex doesn’t disappoint that is for sure. The weather was a a glorious 75f and moist. Arriving a bit early for a little EC as I do, …