Maybe there’s an F3 guy you know that won’t shut up about us.
Maybe you saw us in Men’s Health magazine.
Or maybe you were out on a run and heard us!

Whatever brings you here today just know we’re glad you’re here and we want you out there in the gloom with us.

Ready to get started? Here’s everything you need to know:

  • First, know that we don’t care what shape you’re in, what size you are, or how old you are. No excuses, just show up and we’ll be there for you.
  • OK, now pick the day and location you want to post: OUR SCHEDULE
  • Arrive 5-10 minutes beforehand and look for the shovelflag. We start exactly on time. This will give you time to meet some guys, stretch, etc.
  • Bring a pair of outdoor/mechanic gloves to workout in. We tend to pick up rocks and get down on the pavement a lot.
  • Your first workout you’ll be known as “FNG” – Friendly New Guy. Complete the workout and we’ll give you a new name!
  • At the start you’ll hear a shortened version of the F3 disclaimer.
  • Weekday workouts are 45 minutes exactly and we cover about 2-3 miles typically.
  • The “Q” will be our leader for the day. This is just one of the pax who is volunteering to lead the workout for that day. After about 3-6 months you’ll be encouraged to give Qing a shot as well!
  • During a workout you won’t know what to expect. Every Q is different. But for the most part you can expect squats, push-ups, burpees, sprints, etc.
  • We give exercises different names. It’s all in our Exicon.
  • A typical workout looks like this:
    • Warm Up (5 mins)
    • Thang 1 (an exercise set 10-20 mins)
    • Thang 2 (another exercise set 10-20 mins)
    • Mary (ab work 5 mins)
    • Name-o-rama (guys go around and say their hospital name, age, and F3 name)
    • COT (circle of trust – we see who needs prayers and praises)
    • BOM (ball of man, we huddle up for a prayer or an encouraging word. Whoever the Q is takes us out how he sees fit)

Still have questions?

CONTACT US and someone will email you back.