Swinging Pipes

Beautiful crisp morning. YHC always trying to mix it up a bit and try new things and working to incorporate more stretching and mobility to keep me of the IR …

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Under The Wire

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands …

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Pre-Blast 12 HIM for 2.99 worth of Blevens at FWD. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Yog to the dumpster behind the grocery store. 5 GM, 6 WM, …

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Pick Your Poison

Another cold morning could not keep the men of Carpex in the fartsack, 19 showed up for the Main Event, many took part in multiple EC run opportunities. Warm-Up Mosey …

I’m available

God Bless Yoga Mat for many reasons, but two stand out: He writes the best got danged pre-blasts and Q-hypes in the biznass. If the Q spot is open, he …


31! This has been some kind of week, so just like I did in my preparation I’m going to keep it brief. Mostly recycled my May the H8th workout from …