Out of Order

17 PAX trickled into Marla Dorrell park through the thick and chunky atmosphere to join YHC for some exercise this morning. Here’s what we did! Gather at the flag for …

IMG 68761

SNS 4/14/21

In the days of Sir William Grayling, a contingent of young warriors living on the outskirts of what is now Dublin, Ireland, set out on a quest to thwart a bloody coup. This is their story.

this is the year

HAPPY OPENING DAY! We made it through another baseball offseason. And through another Q1. And through another gloomy gloomy winter. We got some sprinkles this morning, and I don’t think …

Image from iOS

POTT to Puff

YHC started with two t-shirts and a sweatshirt on this fine March morning, and quickly transitioned to a tank top. When TTT calls, you answer. Just as you do when …

Record 16 Pax

The night was looking to be a very glorious time for a beatdown! Many other pax thought so too as 16 HIMs in all descended upon Ragnarok to tackle the …

Double Nickles Pickles

Sixteen HIMs showed up at Danger Zone to help YHC celebrate his 55th trip around the sun. A glorious morning, with the temp at 47° according to the Disco Duck-mobile. …