Hello Turtle

YHC has yet to Q at the premier limited running AO in all of Apex on a Wednesday, and with an open spot on the schedule, I jumped on it.

4 for an EC loop around the peak of good living, tclaps to Earhart, GTL and the Duck man for rolling with me.

The time is 0530 and we’re ready to go with 17 studs, and 3 vests present.


  • Lap the lot with high knees, butt kickers, karaoke and a backwards run
  • Good mornings, SSH, Sir Fazio (back), Overhead claps, Sir Fazio (front)
  • Over to the back of the church for a quick reflection under the cross
  • Quick feet + Curkin combo 10, 15, 20
  • Take a break as Green Acres arrives and back to the lot for good mornings and 10 burpees (we start at 0530)
  • Back to the curb for 20, 15, 10

The Thang:

  • In 3 groups of 6 we split up at the bottom of the lot
  • 1 Pax doing squats with a weighted vest (thank you YHC, Parker and Biner for bringing yours)
  • 1 Pax doing cinder block deadlift
  • 1 Pax doing cinder block curls
  • 1 Pax doing LBCs
  • 2 Pax on a bear crawl or lunge
  • Everyone through 3 times
  • When done over to the grass for a set of traveling Jack Webbs up to the 10/40 count
  • Back to the lot for a set of sprints and moseys between the islands


  • Freddy Murcs
  • Homer to Marge
  • Bonnie’s Torture
  • Crimson calls for LBCs
  • Earhart calls for Dying Cockroach
  • Free Bird calls for Windshield Wipers
  • YHC calls for a good old fashioned Have a Nice Day
  • And… time.


  • Spartan’s Wife’s Maid-of-Honor, her mother has passed. Prayers for her family and for Spartan’s wife traveling for the funeral.
  • Prayers for Pickle’s 2.0 (Allie), and for comfort
  • For Green Acres and his challenges at work
  • And for Crimson’s friend JoAnne and her health
  • YHC took us out under the theme of challenging times and knowing He has a plan for us on the other side


  • Love making the trip into Apex for this AO – always a good time with the Pax there – and I get stronger every time!
  • Tclpas to Duck for texting me the 18 names – literally the best wing man (quack) in all of Carpex
  • Double Tclaps to Biner for wearing a 40lb ruck the entire time. Freaking beast mode at 100.
  • Attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man.

See also