Bring smiles to all

SWW - 12/8/17

8 PAX braved what could have been but was not a frozen morning.  Blessed to have weather in the 40s with the rain.  


  • One Lap around parking lot (yes, only 1 lap)
  • Circle for SSH x 30 (IC), Imperial Walkers x 25 (IC)Good Mornings x 20 (IC),Merkins x 25 OMD, Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC), Plank Jacks x 20 (IC)
  • Mozy to wall for Dips x 20 (OMD)

The Thang:  

Mozy to Greenway, down through the woods to the underpass (DRY) for some Dora 1,2,3

Partner up - Partner 1 runs to top of Kildaire Farm Rd, Partner 2 does the works, flip/flop

100 merkins

200 Star Jumps

300 LBC

Plank Hold for 6 with various contortions called by Joe Smith

Continue our Mozy loop up Kildaire Farm Rd and back to Ritter Park with some pain along the way (Offset Merkins, Merkins, Plank Hold)

Mary (oh this was fun)

Oh the horror… Camp Gladiator in the Shelter when we returned… YHC was hopeful they heard us coming and ran… but no they want to experience the Gloom we drug in.  YHC twice asked “can we share the shelter with you?”  With no response, the PAX filed in for want was a tough Mary. PAX got to call out their favorites:   

Catalina Whine Makers(Q Fav), Fredy Mercury, Low slow Flutter, Box Cutter, Homer2Marge, & Pickle Pounder (couple others as well)

Happy to bring smiles to our friends we shared the shelter with.  While they may not have been happy to share the shelter they must have been impressed with the way we closed out our beatdown.  Homer2Marge into a Pickle Pounder had to start their weekend off just right.


While our Mary close out was impressive, COT proved to be extra special.  Yogi shared his story of walking with a young man whom lost a few family members within a short window of time.  As we bring an impact to each other look for ways you may bring comfort or share your story with others outside our F3 circle.

Christ Calls us to be disciplines, to go out and spread his word, and make an impact on our world.  How will you honor him today?

See also