A Circle, 10 guys, and some toys. (no that doesn't sound right. Where is the delete key on this thing? What does this blue button do?)

EC run with Wonderbread & YHC Because I know it is loved by so many, I dusted off the home gym equipment and trucked it on over to Claymore for another round of that circle workout that still needs a really cool name. It couldn’t have worked out any better today. I had 10 stations, 10 guys and a cool new Tabata clock app on my “brand new” iPhone 7. [Read More]

Starting posish, move.

It won’t be 10, but ya boi will lock it down this week, so let’s go. -- To start: Heavy hearts across F3 Raleigh and beyond after hearing the news that Warchild (Alec Romulus) lost his battle with addiction this weekend. He was way too you. We lifted up him and his family through a moment of silence before the workout and many of our pax were in black from head to toe. [Read More]