A River Runs Through It

I know all you Robert Redford fans are rolling your eyes right about now but trust me, I wouldn’t steal it if I truly didn’t need it. Now that Flo is no mo and being how we are the men of F3 it only made sense to me that we take the lead in returning our little community park back to pre-storm conditions (or at least the running path). As I pre-blasted, we’ll mosey around the Apex Lake clearing debris as we go. [Read More]

Get Off My Lawn

Because it’s was my birthday Q and I’m old and that’s what PBX tells me I sound like. Anyways, arrived early to scout out the AO to find about 15 HIM already working the ECP. By 5:30 21 PAX were ready to go and Crimson had already started complaining. He knew what was to come. Warm Up • Good Mornings x 10 • SSH x 53 Thang 1 Split into 5 groups. [Read More]

Studs are made of 2x4's

I must admit, I had several doubts about this morning. I returned from the other side of the world only a few days ago and am just now getting my circadian rhythm back to Eastern Daylight Time. My sleep has been off, and I haven’t been as energetic as usual. To top that off, in true F3 fashion, I did the F3 ENC CSAUP “The Sasquatch” in Greenville, NC on Saturday. [Read More]

Half Krypto Anny

As mentioned above, today marks my one year anniversary of Kryptonite and joining F3. I will save my sappy BB for tomorrow on my actual anniversary. Pretty much did the same workout from a year ago, thanks Shutty! Below is Shutty’s back blast, with my edits. See strikethroughs and words in Italics. Oldies vs Youngies MostFit vs DadBods July 17, 2017 Shut-InKryptoniteAspartame, Burt, Chanticleer, Coney, Denali, Half, Largemouth, Michelob, Pet Sounds, Shut-In, Tenderfoot, Texas Ranger12 PAX decided to get up 15 minutes early this morning. [Read More]

Night Train 7/13

YHC heard about the Crazy Train, and thought it’d be fun to try it with rucks, during the evening.. hence, the Night Train. We put the word out via Slack, Twitters, Raleigh Area Ruckers Facebook, and various other COT-based means of communication. Seven ruckers and three runners answered the call. Goal Board the #76 Piedmont at 6:08pm in Cary, ride to Raleigh, and get rucking by 6:30. YHC estimated a 17min/mi overall pace, and after some advanced mathematics, determined that meant about a 4-hour trip. [Read More]

Triple Nickle Hillz

A gorgeous morning in Cary!!! 60 degrees and 91% humidity after weeks of 80 degrees and 97%+ humidity! With tour-de-Carpex month, the aim was to keep it challenging, but to also not scare off any infrequent Kryptonite visitors in the hopes they come back to this AO! There’s lots of running, sure, but it isn’t JUST about running! YHC was very pleased to see a solid stream of cars rolling into the AO as we got closer to M-Minute. [Read More]

The Spirit of '76

It has been said that the Spirit of ‘76 is a patriotic sentiment referring to the attitude of self-determination and individual liberty made manifest in the Declaration of Independence. That spirit was well-exemplified at Phoenix today as we started looking forward to the 4th of July week with a them of ‘76. WARM-UP The Pledge and 76 SSH, single count, some good mornings, and then we moseyed over to the Phoenix stadium in the grass. [Read More]

Crazy Train Lifesavers 6/9/18

Lifesaver: A thing that saves one from serious difficulty, a ring-shaped life preserver, a piece of candy. AKA: Disco Duck, Yoga Mat and Dice! The Thang: 12 Pax Met at Bradford’s Ordinary 6/9 at 0745. Scratch that the train is delayed (of course), make it 0845. Some got in some 2nd F at LeFarm and some just hung out at the house a little longer. Mosey over to the Train Station and wait on the 92 Silver Star scheduled to leave Cary at 0808 and arrive in Raleigh at 0834. [Read More]

Didn't Mean to Asterisk

YHC had a strange Sunday night. Two brews at the pool and things get discombobulated apparently. Took a “nap” from 1900-2000, then put the kids to bed, then put on the marriage study audiobook for Monday’s 3rdF at Starbucks by Costco from 0645-0715 and proceeded to wake up with the light on, one earbud in and the clock reading 0100…and no plan for the Krypto beatdown in place. 20 mins later the beatdown is planned and the light is off. [Read More]

You can do a lot with an extra 15 minutes

I was glad to finally have some “approved” extra time for my workout this morning. I had been struggling with finishing on-time all week, so if I couldn’t bring this one back home in time, I may need to seek help. But since 60 minutes just isn’t enough for some people we also had two groups of EC runners. At 5:45 YHC, Snots, Hi-Liter and Chipper for a 4 miler and at 6:05 Disco Duck, Texas Ranger, Yoga Mat, Liverpool and Air Supply for 2 miles. [Read More]