The Long Way across a Small Town

4 HIMs gathered round the flag at Sovereign Grace Church for the finest high tempo workout in Apex on Mondays. Is this high tempo, or is it running? Or is it both? Yogi has the Q and moves us along. Warm Up Run to Hunter Street Park The Thang Do 10 burpees OYO, then sets of WWIIs, Irkins, Dips. Take a lap around the soccer field, meet back at the skate park. [Read More]

Oil Can and Meatballs Along Route 66

Thirteen HIM’s gathered this morning for YHC’s 1-year F3 anniversary Q. Perfect spring weather for a run around Bond Park. Warm-up: Mosey to the upper lot, circle up for Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills, Hillbilly’s and a few stretches. PAX in full chatter mode today with Yogi and Liverpool leading the mumblechatter, noting the Q’s rather stylish flexibility on display. Mosey to the rockpile for Thang1 Thang 1: Find an ego rock and circle up for Rock Rows, Squats, Curls, Overhead Press, Lunges and Triceps; PAX traded rocks to keep everyone honest. [Read More]

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." - C.S. Lewis

It was cold, the fart sack temptation was real, and every day we are faced with decisions that will impact our end changes, but also change the story of those around us. Maybe we speed up and block the car from merging in because they didn’t wait their turn (zipper merge is scientifically proven to be more effective…another discussion for another time), we walk the cart back into the store, or when we ask somehow their day is going we actually stop and listen because we want to know and we didn’t just ask because it is what you are supposed to do in the break room at work. [Read More]

5k for Hares this AM

The rain stopped, the temperature stayed warm-ish, and the wind died down for 6 pax to run some 11s, Hills, and a tour of downtown Apex. 3 for EC (2 for ECP and 1 for EC) - YHC, Hanson, and Yogi 0530 - Yogi gave a disclaimer schooled us on the mission and 5 core principles of F3 The mission of F3 is to plant grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. [Read More]

7 for 7s

A select group of 7 showed up at Sovereign Grace Church early Monday morning at a site so new that it still doesn’t have a tag on the F3 Carpex web site yet. The location close to home and the allure of a high tempo workout was enough to inspire YHC to take the lead in order to continue building momentum for this new AO. Here’s what we did… Warm-Up [Read More]

You Had To Be There

At approximately 05:29, 11 PAX were patiently waiting for one more. One more, who had jumped at the opportunity to pick up a last minute Q due to the previous Q’s illness. This one more, who will remain un-named (rhymes with Noshowisco), allegedly had a sick 2.0 and would not make it. When Ezekiel asked if anyone wanted to pick up a last minute Q, Yogi and YHC spoke up simultaneously. [Read More]

The Plank

I’d run out of vacation time to get outta town and excuses not to VQ so here we are… Little did I know Dante’s would be hosting the Chipolte Qvergence in support of our brothers Liverpool and Water Wings trip to Peru. 43 HIMs posted on a fine spring morning in February, 3 FNGs taboot! Disclaimer and Pledge. Following the Dante’s Peak tradition we mosey down the circle for warm ups, we hardly fit… nice! [Read More]

Changing of the Guard

It was a beautiful morning at Tortoises (the premier limited-run, maximum fun workout on Wednesdays in Apex). Two Friendly New Guys (FNGs) joined the PAX in the gloom this morning: Sega (who was being punished for forgetting to do his homework) and Matador (who was being punished for being friends with Frisco). For Your Humble Correspondent (YHC) (i.e., me, Frisco the Legend), the day started with Extra Credit Pullups (ECP) with Spartan and recently named (i. [Read More]

Hares KickOff

What happens right after kickoff? Yep. RUNNING. For those unfamiliar with Hares(that would be just about everyone), we do a lot of that. Take your typical boot camp beatdown, modify most of the exercises to cover more ground, and stick a bunch of extra running in wherever possible. YHC arrived at 0512 to enjoy the excellent weather and speculate during a little EC run whether anyone else would show. Co-site-Q Yogi was the only pax I could count on being there, Bambi said he might be there but I didn’t think he would be. [Read More]

Maximum Vanilla – Dora 2-3-4 & 5 rounds with the Russian Bear (Ivan Koloff)

Date: 2/2/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Phoenix PAX: Callahan, FNG Carvana, Clementine, Freebird, O’Douls, One-Four, PBX, Pigeon, Quiver, Smokey, Snots, The Commish, Triple Lindy, Wreck-it-Ralph (visiting from F3 Summerville),WWW, Yogi. The weather and temperature was beautiful! A great day to Q; however, when is it not a great day to Q in F3. FYI – my resolution for this year is to Q atleast once a week and to Q every day during my birthday week to include Rush Hour. [Read More]