Odyssey Prep

Honestly, I had no plan when I started out yesterday morning other than to provide a solid beat down. After a quick pledge we were off to the lower parking lot. Why? Because I seem to always start there. Warm up Circle up for: Good Mornings Burpees to calm the mumble chatter SSH Sir Fazio Arm Circles Seal claps Some more burpees Mountain climbers During the warm up, Callahan commented that he had completed many burpees this week. [Read More]

Deck of Death

Yogi brought the beatdown today, and he was sporting a shiny deck of cards. The PAX are starting to gather, as Yogi is shuffling the cards. Many of the PAX knew what they were in for, but the newer ones had no idea what fun we were about to have. 5:30 rolls around and it’s time to go with 13 lucky PAX. Yogi places half the deck down and runs down the parking lot 30-40 yards and places the other half of the deck down. [Read More]

What a Day - hard to beat this start! GO!!!

When: 08/1/19 QIC: Pet Sounds Intimidator, Bambi, Sega, Shipper, Chanti, Free Fall, Ashbury, Snooze, Sub, Puddles, Triple, Rooney, Meatloaf, Spike (rogue from Lion’s Den), Yeti, Doogie, Yogi, Steak Knives (FNG), Pet Sounds Warm up - Mozzy to Apex Jaycee Park, SSH, Merkins, Mtn Climbers at the park entrance, Mozy down the parking lot to the guard rail - Dips, Irkins, Derkins, Mozy to the shelter L/R step ups. Mozy to the soccer field [Read More]

10 to Win

10 HIMs joined us today for a beautiful July 3rd morning. No FNG’s Intro, Yogi gave us the mission statement and then we pledged Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for a warm up Good mornings Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio Arm circle (front and back) Imperial Walkers Control Freak Merkins THANG 1: Mosey around the lot to pick up coupons (center blocks) and partner up Partner 1 did Rock Your Body with the coupon Partner 2 bear crawled 1 light pole down the parking lot and lunged walk back We did this for 15 minutes Thang 2 Mosey over to the pull up bars for a round of Cindy (15 minutes) [Read More]

Who is really in charge here?

YHC quickly chums up with YOGI to confirm whose Q it really is. I get the, “what me? “ with a hug. After catching up on a few work things we begin to mingle with the ECP men and those arriving. Good to meet Alamo, been reading a lot about him. Great to see Traffic Cone, have not seen that man in a while. There will be no WWIIs or flutter kicks today. [Read More]

Whether You Say You Can or Say You Can’t, You’re Right

Pre-Blast 13 HIM refused to sell themselves short at #ao-wed-tortoises. Today exemplified #ISI. Honored to work with y’all! The men of this “limited run” AO just crushed the major components of a full Murph. Whether you say you can or say you can’t, you’re right. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run around the top lot, backwards run, Karaoke Circle up for: GM, WM, Calf Stretch, 1 Leg Merkins, SSH, Hillbillies The Thang [Read More]

No Words + Plankful

ShutIn let me know that he had to abandon his Q last night. I was prepared with a great beatdown and even pre-blasted a last minute Q change to get PAX interested. But when Yogi arrived, storming in from his EC run, he enthusiastically (is Yogi ever anything except enthusiastic?) asked to take over the Q. We hadn’t seen him at Tortoises in a couple of months and he was more than excited to lead us. [Read More]

42, A Non-theme Theme

Who knew!?! A vanilla high tempo run work with absolutely no theme found a theme by the end of the beatdown! The sevens doubled turned out to be 42 of each exercise and Hanson logged almost 4.2 miles of running in the workout. Now, in full disclaimer, most of probably ran closer to 3.5 - 4.0 miles but 4.2 helped create a theme for this non-themed workout Disclaimer then run a quarter mile loop that will establish the route for the later timed work. [Read More]

Pre-Blast 15 men grew stronger together physically, relationally, and spiritually at Apex’s premier limited run work out on Wednesday that meets at Sovereign Grace Church, Tortoises. Incredible extended COT with several men sharing about their struggles and victories related to mental health. After a raise of hands, we realized that virtually everyone in the circle had dealt with one or more of the issues we discussed in their life. I especially loved seeing the young guys learning from the older guys who’ve really been through. [Read More]

Stay In It

Pre-Blast 15 men grew stronger together physically, relationally, and spiritually at Apex’s premier limited run work out on Wednesday that meets at Sovereign Grace Church, Tortoises. Incredible extended COT with several men sharing about their struggles and victories related to mental health. After a raise of hands, we realized that virtually everyone in the circle had dealt with one or more of the issues we discussed in their life. I especially loved seeing the young guys learning from the older guys who’ve really been through. [Read More]