I've Got Those Beer Mile Blues

22 PAX (23 if you count someone who joins up at 6:27) including 2 FNGs gathered this morning at scenic Apex Nature Park. No shovel flag, no site Qs, but those in attendance came in anticipation of seeing a little merlot spillage from YHC. Not to be. Disclaimer given and were off. Extended Warm Up (as promised) Merkins x 10 SSH x 15 Merkins x 9 LBC x 15 Merkins x 8 GM x 10 Merkins x 7 Freddie merc x 15 Merkins x6 IC IW x 15 Merkins x 5 IC Sir Fazio x 10 Merkins x 5 IC (Whoops) Mountain Climbers x 15 Merkins x 3 IC Plankjacks x 10 Merkins x 2 IC Merkins x 1 IC [Read More]

Yogi back in Charge

A nice cool, cloudy, gloom day greets us for another round of beatdowns at the Tortoise. Guest PAX Hermes and GTL round out the hearty group of 6. Everyone there on time and no FNGs Yogi has the helm and takes us around the parking lot for a mosey and then into the light for warm-ups. Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Side Straddle Hops 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles [Read More]

Old standby, deck of death welcomed 16 strong

Beautiful morning at Bond Park, at least if you like humidity. But apparently, people do. Good crowd, early crowd, anxious and waiting to roll. Callahan and Old Maid wander in from their separate EC runs. No FNGs and we are off - out of the senior center, right on the road, left on the path - hard left onto trail, left again on the path, right on the road, back in the other entrance to the senior center - a little backward run and side shuffle thrown in and we were back where we started. [Read More]

Who Needs a Warm-Up, Not Tortoise!

A nice cool, cloudy, gloom day greets us for another round of beatdowns at the Tortoise. Visitors from out of town, Ma Bell and Wilbur, round out the hearty group of 6. Everyone there on time and no FNGs we head out to the parking lot for a round of warm-ups using quick feet and heel raises. No time at Tortoise for other warm-ups because we need to hit it and get it (to be honest I forgot). [Read More]

Beast Conquered

11 PAX showed up Saturday morning for a pre-Easter workout. No FNGs. Mosey down to the field for the warm-up: Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks. The rain started. Next, mosey around a 100 yrd x 50 yrd plot, for the thang, marking the corners and mid-field points with pine cones. Note: don’t use pine cones to mark a course - they’re hard to find. THANG Beast with a Mucho Chesto set and a Bruce Lee set after each round. [Read More]

Speaking o rising up

18 men rose up from this weekend’s glorious holiday to feel some pain, and speaking of rising, how about we rise up some hills, huh? Mosey Round the loop 20 SSH IC 20 Hillbillies IC 10 GM IC 5 Pikes L/R IC 20 Hackey Sacks IC 11 King David Kicks IC Burpee Count Off - 18 Mosey to Hill for 11’s Top -Squat KDK Bot – Scuba Buddha Wall by Tennis Court Derkin Progression [Read More]

Polishing our guns in the Animal Kingdom

A new Pax record set for tortoises today with 9 hearty souls. Staying true to the Tortoise reputation, we started off at 05:30 sharp with 10 burpees OYO, followed by 20 WW2s Then the warm up 15 - GM, 15 - Hillbilly, Sir Fazio - 20 each way - 10 little, 10 bigger reverse Over to the curb for some quick feet x30 and then The Thang Welcome to Animal Kingdom Run across the parking lot, crab walk back Backwards run, backwards crab Karaoke – duck walk Again – facing other direction - duck walk return Side shuffle – bear crawl Again – facing other direction – crawl bear Lunge walk – frog hop – Backwards lunge – frog hop Run - bunny hop Backwards run - bunny hop Having seen enough animals for now - we moved on (no cockroach, gorilla, monkey, Homer to Marge - yet) [Read More]

Great weather, Great crew, Great site, No Nantan, No site Q, oh what to do....

Thanks to Nature Boy for texting me yesterday asking me if I was attending A-Team. In response - I checked the Q schedule and what to my wondering eyes did appear - but my name next to the Q spot for today. I guess that seals it, I should attend. Planning can be overrated - just ask Callahan. Arrived this morning to find gates closed (nothing new here) but spring is in the air and everyone seemed to have extra pep in their step. [Read More]

The Circuit is the Thang

A cool, clear morning greeted 18 PAX for a basic run and beatdown workout. No FNGs and everyone there on time, so off we go to the back parking lot. Circle up in the parking lot for: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Side Straddle Hops 10 Cotton Pickers 10 Windmills 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10 Hillbillies The Thang Count-a-rama before the thang, telling them to remember their number for later. [Read More]

Hermesversary week Part 2 of 2

1 year ago I posted at my 2nd F3 workout and first in CarPex at which I was named by our now NanTan - Ma Bell. It was brutal, we spent the entire workout carrying around brick pavers. I was sore for days! And I was hooked! This has been an awesome year of growth for me physically, spiritually and in service. I am very grateful for the leadership of the F3Nation and specifically all the Q’s in Carpex! [Read More]