Hello Flacco

With a week of travel in front of many PAX, Hello Kitty alerted the Carpex region via GroupMe that there were prime Q spots open all week. A true HIM, Flacco stepped up for his VQ with Kitty close in tow to help along the journey. And with that, it was time for a Hello Flacco butt-whipping. PAX gathered for a gloomy SNS post. Insomnias back in from their jaunt, and a small group of Vespers heading out, it’s time to get after it. [Read More]

Uphill Both Ways

How long’s FWD been in action? How long has it been since I’ve been there? (last time I posted, Fluoride almost killed me…he’s a BEAST) You mean I’ve never had a chance to Q there? What, it’s Sunday and there’s an open Q slot there (and at Vesper AND at Dante’s Peak)? Fantastic, time to pay a visit to Hermes’ homeland. Spent Sunday evening drawing up my plans, had my Weinke all ready to roll. [Read More]

The 1%

In past wars, the war effort was a national effort. The entire country got behind both world wars and in Vietnam, the draft touched families across this land in all economic groups. For the war or against the war, the war effort was front and center at family dinner tables coast to coast. That was then. For my time in the military, the 80’s, who knew that was relative “peace time” for the American military. [Read More]


17 PAX were led through the mean streets of Cary at B.O. YHC with the Q, a virgin one at that. With temps above 60, Hank Top Thursday was in full effect. RESPECT BURT graced us with his presence, along with his bag of gently used hanks. Shirts were changed and we were off. Warm Up: Mosey down Waldo, for an extended jog to the main circle at Fidelity. Butt Kickers and High Knees were added to the mosey to ensure all PAX were limber for the HALF special…more to come SSH, Cotton Pickers, Standard Merkins…. [Read More]

3 Hills

The inspiration for the workout today at Phoenix came from reflecting on the hill of Calvary on which Christ persevered and shed His blood for us on the cross. We took on three hills at Phoenix, and I asked the PAX to think of Him and His sacrifice as they persevered this morning. It was a great time. Warmup: One FNG in attendance invited by Malpractice, so gave the disclaimer and then we were off for a little jog through Bond Park to another parking lot. [Read More]

The Dirty Dozen

Six HIM showed up for the Kitty-less #meowmile. Well, five showed up to run, one accidentally showed up early and joined us just to be friendly. And at the turn-around Kitty made a cameo to say Hello When we returned our numbers had doubled to an even Dirty Dozen. Perfect for partnering up. Warm-Up Hustle around the back of the church and circle up in the tire shop parking lot for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, merkins, plank jacks and Sir Fazio arm twirlies. [Read More]


BB YHC hails from Generation X. Gen X?! We tried to name ourselves…colossal failure. Remember when George Costanza tried to name himself, “T-Bone?” Bad idea, “Co Co the Monkey.” Kobe, “The Black Mamba?” Really?! We received a key reminder today at FWD - #Don’tNameYourself. Let’s start that trending… Oh - we also learned about teamwork. EveryTHANG we did today hinged upon working together and cheering on our teammates. We are better together. [Read More]

FIA, Pain Tubes, and Donkey Kicks

This was my second Q at BO and I had regrets from my first. Namely, Sputnik taking a fall and breaking his wrist. To my surprise Sputnik was there this morning. Wonder if he know I had the Q. Anyway, I completed the disclaimer for 3 FNGs and told everyone to not get hurt and we were off! Warmup Jog to the downtown circle Side Straddle Hop 15 IC Good Mornings 10 IC Imperial Walkers 15 IC FiA weekly challenge. [Read More]

How quickly..

How quickly things change. Last week, Gloom temperatures were in the 70’s and humid. This morning the PAX broke out the long sleeves and sweatshirts (some of them, anyway) for temps starting with a “4.” And that’s Freedom degrees, not in some commie temperature. The Tortoises crew had made the journey north in order to partake of the 2nd/3rdF after the workout (more on this later), so go time was even more of a goat rodeo than normal at SnS. [Read More]

Tryon this Coupon

19 gathered in the soupy gloom. 1 FNG, quick disclaimer followed by practice mozy lap. Warm Up SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 11 GM x 11 MC x 11 Plankjacks x 11 Merkins x 22 Thang Blue and Out pulls in to get us to an even 20 10 penalty burpees Form groups of 4 and grab 2 coupons per squad 2 exercise while 2 walk/jog a lap with coupon of choice [Read More]