Shoulder Shredder

When: 05/01/2018 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Term Paper, Smokey, Hermes, Chanticleer, BuildaBear, Byou, Hello Kitty, WKRP, Sosa, Large Mouth, WaterWings, and Yoga Mat and Pet Sounds WOW - I have not Q’d in a long time… Lucky YHC had support for days from the PAX. Hello Kitty booster seat sighting was a plus during warmup. With the Moon setting and Sun rising we were off! Warm up - Short run to the another parking lot, SSH x25, Merkinsx25, Peter Parkersx15, Good Morningx15, mozy down the Greenway stop along the way for Offset Merkinsx15 [Read More]

That's not what the finest soccer pitches in NW Cary on a Thursday morning were designed for.....

Flying Circus 04/18 Another beautiful morning at the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday morning. Driving in without my regular clown-car-compatriots, I wondered who would show for todays installment at FC…..of course 10 of Cary’s finest HIM turned in for a beatdown from YHC. Here’s what we did: Run to main entrance & circle up 20 SSH; 10 windmills; 10 GM’s; 20 IW’s; 20 plankjacks; 20 mountain climbers Abbey road lunge walks - back and forth 13’s - Kerb / bear crawl / Derkin Run to SOCCER PITCHES: [Read More]

"Time and tide wait for no man" - G. Chaucer

Additionally, time doesn’t wait for the Q either. And while I was well aware of the start time, once we started, I forgot we ended at 6:15, not 6:30. I’m going to blame it on the rain. It actually wan’t too bad this morning. Light drizzle, not heavy downpour and warmish temps. As you can imagine, nobody got dehydrated. It’s 5:30 so off we went. Light warm up jog to the loading dock where we: (reps are approximate) [Read More]

Carpex Convergence

The twitters were abuzz last night with all sorts of HCs from PAX of several regions… as has become common for Downtown Apex’s premier Thursday morning AO. I shared with my M that today had the chance to be my largest Q to date! I tempered her excitement by stating that this was the trend with this AO specifically, and most definitely had little to do with YHC. Nevertheless, it was a daunting privilege to lead a larger workout. [Read More]

A perfectly timed downtown workout (well, except for the ruckers)

After a quick disclaimer to the FNG, 15 Pax departed FUMC at promptly 5:45:01. Three ruckers went on their way. Jogged up to the bank plaza (where the new spotlights can burn through your soul) for a typical warmup (SSH, IWs, etc.), losing Callahan in the process. Jog to the south corner of Academy and Ambassador Loop to partner up. Ascending Burpee Catch-me-if-you-can around the loop to the parking garage. Riptide offered the opportunity to use the sleds, but YHC eased the minds of the concerned Pax by politely declining. [Read More]

Dos Toros

Saturday is coming up fast and no one has claimed the Phoenix Q. YHC checks with the co-site Q to see if it’s really available, it is, and we decide to co-Q. Disco Duck takes the first half, Texas Ranger takes the second. Here we go. Warm-Up Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, Sir Fazios, plank jacks and mountain climbers. The Thang [Read More]

Needle-scratch Moment

I’ve Q’d enough times (though not as much lately) that I’m not usually nervous beforehand. I was nervous today, anticipating the reaction of the PAX at what I had in store. Still, I had it on good authority that it was a worthy idea. Huh. Two minutes to go, FNG present, big PAX turnout, and aforementioned Good Authority nowhere to be seen. Well, let’s make the most of it. Warm-up Jog to Community Center lot. [Read More]

QDR and only QDR

Men, It’s been a, what’s the word I’m looking for? Weird? Scary? Exciting? Few day since the return of Mad Dawg to the Triangle’s number #1 country station, 94.7 QDR. With that, YHC felt moved to host a QDR organized (not themed) workout. With tank tops on, and a disclaimer ta boot, we’re off with the bluetooth pumping the tunes. Warm-up: Over to the lot on Walker for: Good mornings (in radio DJ voice) Quick feet x 9 Donkey kicks x9 Ranger Merkins (don’t google it) x9 Q: Over to the hill on the back side of DTC park for Quadrahill [Read More]

Amazing Race, Cary Edition

13 PAX hit the streets of Cary for a special edition of Amazing Race. There were only winners in this contest, and everyone showed great spirit and teamwork in completing the challenges. Who knew a scavenger hunt could be so painful? For something a little different, we gathered in the church parking lot for a quick warmup before learning the rules of the game: Warmup: Good mornings, Imperial Walkers (or hillbillies, Flacco style), Side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes (one of YHC’s favorites) [Read More]

Mucho Burpo Mile

Happy birthday to YHC! There’s no better way to start the day than getting up early and heading out to the gloom to get after it with my brothers. Warm-Up Mosey over to the best list part of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, Sir Fazios and plank jacks. The Thang Mosey over to the track for the Mucho Burpo Mile. 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees, take a lap 10 burpees [Read More]