Crazy(ish) Phoenix

Banjo hit the Pax with news of his trip to the IR and naturally YHC jumped on the chance to Q Carpex’s premiere AO on a Saturday morning. And with the boys headed out for Crazy Train, we had to get a good beatdown in, in their honor as well. Fellowship run at 0605 (sorry Chipper who had been waiting since 0545 chomping at the bit) and the rest of the Pax arrive on-time for a 0630 start. [Read More]

No Pull-ups, No Problem

YHC started the morning with a nice little fellowship run with Hello Kitty. Got back to the flag and the PAX were already gathering. Nice mix of vets and new guys and guys we haven’t seen recently. 05:45, let’s roll! Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot next to Power Line Hill and circle up for hillbillies, side straddle hops, burpees, Sir Fazios and plank jacks. The Thang Mosey over towards Power Line Hill but take a surprise right turn and head down the stairs to the baseball field. [Read More]

3 years and counting

27 HIM gather including 1 FNG. Disclaimer given and we are off. Mozy the long way counterclockwise around the baseball fields to the upper lot. Warm up SSH x 15 IW x 15 GM x 10 Merkins, PJ, MC - IC x 10 Thang Partner up and complete required number of each set as a group with one PAX running the small loop. 150 merkins 150 monkey humpers 75 burpees [Read More]

Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

Tank tops and merit badges

I was the Scout Master for Thursday’s Scout Week themed workout. As we do, we started out with the pledge of allegiance. Then we mosey to the bank for some: SSH IC Good Mornings IC Sir Fiazo Arm Circles , forward and reverse IC Merkins, on my down, holding for a 10 count after each set of 5 Warm-up complete, we run over to the pocket park behind Page-Walker where we start working on our first merit badge, Animal Science! [Read More]

Who Do We Appreciate?

Burt shows up with his big box speaker and plays the soothing sounds of the Rick Dees classic Disco Duck while we wait for all the PAX to arrive. The clocks strikes 05:30, play time is over, time to get to work. Warm-Up Mosey over to the Global Knowledge parking lot and take a lap, then circle up for side straddle hops, mountain climbers, standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang [Read More]

You can do a lot with an extra 15 minutes

I was glad to finally have some “approved” extra time for my workout this morning. I had been struggling with finishing on-time all week, so if I couldn’t bring this one back home in time, I may need to seek help. But since 60 minutes just isn’t enough for some people we also had two groups of EC runners. At 5:45 YHC, Snots, Hi-Liter and Chipper for a 4 miler and at 6:05 Disco Duck, Texas Ranger, Yoga Mat, Liverpool and Air Supply for 2 miles. [Read More]

The Gloom is Gone

I was looking forward to navigating Carpex’s gloomiest AO, but alas, we had 70° at 5:30, a light breeze, and an early sunrise that I suppose we need to get used to! After walking the course down, some quick stretching to the tunes of Hi-Liter’s youth, and a fruitless FNG check, we disclaimed and set out down Park Village Dr. Pause at the clubhouse for: GM // Merkins IC // IW [Read More]

Ode to the Hate

We had a May the Fourth workout last week… so let’s follow with a May the HATEth workout! It’s all about the Hate today. FNG Check Mosey over to the Kids Together playground for our warmup. Half the pax do figure Hates around the playgrounds. The other half works on cadence GM, Cotton Pickers, and CDDs. Gather up, and Indian Run back out to Thurston. Turn right and head to Cary Parkway. [Read More]

Still doing it Downtown Cary F3 Style

It was a big day in downtown Cary as 24 PAX gathered to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the premier downtown AO in Carpex. It was also conveniently enough YHC’s 4th anniversary in F3. Unfortunately, my co-FNGs on that faithful day, Ma Bell (traveling), Baby Face (moving), and Lab Rat (never to be seen again) were unavailable to join in the festivities. To honor the day and the OGQ Wonk (who did make a rare appearance in the gloom), we decided to pay homage to the first (yet to be named) BO workout. [Read More]