Merkin Fest

School was back in session on Thursday, and 13 lucky pax made it out to gloom for the beatdown! With about 15 minutes till the start a few pax came in from their EC run, and 1 pax came in hot with a few seconds to spare. So with that the disclaimer was given, the pledge was recited and we were off running a lap around the parking lot! Warm Up: [Read More]

Angst rock

Low mileage workouts are not usually my thing. And Qing them especially not. But that’s the fun bit about the CARPEx Challenge. You get to push boundaries and explore new things. This was probably the Q I prepped for more than most recent ones. My main goal was to keep the running to 0 so lots of time to fill. Hope the boys enjoyed. EC: Went for a little run beforehand. [Read More]

Peace Disturbed

Its been a long time since I wrote a back blast. I think I have skipped writing one for the last 5-6 times I’ve Q’d. With trying to keep track of Pax attending workouts I better write this out to keep us all safe. So I’m going to keep this simple too. Standard warmup/stretching in Apex PD parking lot. Mosey to bottom of hill and partner up. Time for some Catch me if you can. [Read More]

OCD is no laughing matter

Aside: Kudos to BRR Team COT on the Quaranteam concept. T-CEPS, even. Driving to #DTP this morning around 5:15, I see one car after another turning in to David Dr Park. “Man, that’s a lot of cars for a team of 12”, thought I. Found out later that a massive run club meets at Wolverine on Tuesday mornings as well. LOL. So much for social distancing… :) But seriously, great initiative. [Read More]

A little bit of VENOM

Date: 8/24/2020 QIC: Bartman YHC was happy to grab a Q spot at Hell’s Bells, and even happier to stumble upon some inspiration for the workout on the facetubes. F3 Little Spoon posted a quick “while your M is off doing top secret bond girl stuff” workout, and while clearly his lifestyle is not typical suburbia, it sounded like a good “while your M is yelling at the kids to get out of bed” material. [Read More]

Heaven is a Halfpipe

This backblast is a little late coming as it is from my birthday Q on 8/20, but as you get older you tend to forget things. Any way, as most are aware it’s BRR season and another HIM suggested those of us running the BRR should be sure to take all the open Q slots for BRR inspired workouts. Well, one of my typical training routes goes right through HFT and from the light at Olive Chapel and Kelly Road to Kelly at Beaver Creek Commons appeared to be the perfect “halfpipe” if you will. [Read More]

Tank Tops are Easy

Like all Thursdays, I woke up and grabbed my Pineapple tank top (it’s a real crowd pleaser) and headed out the door. As you know, Carpex Thursdays are of the tank top variety and in these peak heat and humid North Carolina mornings, they’re the next best thing to going full Headroom and rocking nips out. I rolled up to the flag early and was pumped to see HIM after HIM stroll in rocking their tank tops too. [Read More]

Honeycomb Hills 2.0

4 for EC run 3 miles: Honeycomb, Parker, Francois, Ramsey 19 showed for the beat down Intro, disclaimer, and pledge… 1 FNG Mosey over to the Apex Baptist Church parking lot for warm-up SSH Good Mornings Runner Stretch Plank Jacks Mosey over to the Apex Cemetery bottom of the hill The Thang 7’s on the hill split group up top and bottom to start, top of hill was Hudson Ave 6 World Worst Merkins at the bottom and 1 Star Jump Next… Split in groups of 5 for a Washington run back to the flag for Mary [Read More]

Hills not Circles

Saw the Q-sheet was open and wanted to do a BRR-style Q with the added bonus of trolling the FMJ PAX on Slack for predictably “running in circles” at the track. Much respect to those guys I wouldn’t be able to keep up. The POGL has some awesome hills and a little bit of elevation checking on topographical maps pointed to my two favorites. Hinton St and W Moore St (aka Cemetery Hill). [Read More]


10 PAX gather in the gloom for an Eahart KB beatdown. As I pull up a group of HIM were running in after some EC/BRR training. Personally, I will be glad once BRR is done and we can get back to F3. Anywho, Mosey around the parking lot and to the front of the church for: Warm Up Control freak Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio/Seal Claps [Read More]