Wet Sounds, Rope Sounds, Pet Sounds

When: 11/05/2018 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Dumpster Fire, Ausfahrt, Quiver, Joker, Monkey Nut., Hottie Tottie, Disco Duck, WWW, Intimidator, Rooney, Heisenberg, Puddles, Cross-Check, and YHC #DRP - check 14 HIM made the tough decision to get out of the fartsack, face the rain and accelerate their F1 Go Time 0530 Warm Up mozy through the puddles and rain, high knees, butt kickers, karaoke then circle back Circle up SSH x20IC, Imp Walkers 20IC, Merkins x20-OMD, Parker Peter 15IC, Side Plank Leg Lifts 10ea IC, Sir Fazio arm circles F/R 10IC Thang One: Grab your favorite kettlebell Some KB work, L/R step ups, more KB work Thang Two: Rope a Dope - overhead, right and left all PAX in a line working together Circle around to stage, set rope around pier. [Read More]


Pre-Blast 13 HIM joined YHC for 4.65 miles at Phoenix. 2 Bruisers. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the Jersey Mike’s parking lot, paint the lines. Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, Extended Plank Series. Run up the hill in the park east entrance, stop at the first crossroad. The Thang Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Elevens: From the crossroad, run to the top of hill 1 for 1 Prisoner Squat, run back down to the crossroad for 1 Merkin, run to the bottom of hill 2 for 10 Frog Ups, run back up to the crossroad for 10 Star Jumps. [Read More]

No Kilts, No Problem

A brisk fall morning greeted the 13 PAX who came out to check out Carpex’s newest Tuesday morning AO. No one was sporting a kilt, and YHC detected a sense of relief from the PAX on that fact. The Joker and Repeato both were able to walk in from their Scottish Hills homes, Repeato doing so with a ruck sack on his back. Some lively chatter as everyone waited to see what YHC had in store for them. [Read More]

2 Minutes DIDS us in

Disco Duck warned us that the gates of Hells Bells don’t open until almost 5:30, so I didn’t plan on being early. I drove to the shelter to set up station signs that got both compliments and flack for being laminated (no Pickles I won’t autograph one for you). FNG Two Factor met me outside the shelter and I pointed him to the normal starting spot. 5:30 came quickly after that. [Read More]

A Near-Maximum Effort

Late last night as YHC was preparing to go downtown Apex to celebrate a friends Bday Hello Kitty DMs me and proposes the idea that we split up the pax where he Q them for half the workout and YHC would have the other half then we switch. Knowing I was not going downtown to drink milk the idea of a little help was attractive. The birthday was appropriately celebrated and YHC was left with just a few hours to sleep it off before my Q. [Read More]

The return of an old favorite

I pulled in to Tortoise Wednesday morning - excited to lead the men who are always slow and controlled with purpose. It has been a long time for me since I had visited tortoises but was excited to be back. There was a collection of normal activity as we gathered to begin the workout- some folks doing EC pullups and Frisco doing something stupid (apparently he lost another bet that required him to wear a weighted vest during the workout). [Read More]

What a Cluster

Here’s an idea; pax show up and we put all of their names in a hat and draw at random to lead parts of the beatdown. Aye? Aye! 22 on hand, 1 is an FNG. Quick disclaimer and send the men to the library. Warm ups: Pickles Cluster 1: Burt is pulled and he calls random Jack Webb’s … signature move Cluster 2: Red Lobster gets pulled out of the hat and takes the pax to the fountain for 3 rounds of bear crawls and lunges while partner pax amrap exercises. [Read More]

A little name calling (and poo slinging) after some pre announced shoulder work

A brisk cold morning met us today as we disembarked from the toasty warm cars at Hells Bells this morning. What is that Snots and Squatter running in? and Pickles dressed for the summer? Seems like the Odyssey hangover was still in the air this morning. Promptly at 5:30 (yes Squatter, the Qs time piece is always correct), we did two slow laps around the pickle to try to get the blood flowing. [Read More]

No 605 Boys

14 early birds opted for the latest and greatest 0515 AO ever to grace Carpex with its presence! As AC/DC’s “Back in Black” lit up the airwaves of the Kokabooth parking lot pax began arriving in their themed black attire. Forget tanks. “Badass Black” all DAY! The question, “Do we need headlamps?” was presented and quickly laughed off by the 3 co-site Qs. Yes, 3 site Qs. Let’s meet them: Hermes - cofounder of FWD, greek god, and headband wearer. [Read More]



  • 17 HIM joined YHC for 0 miles at Tortoises

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • 5 Good Mornings IC
  • 110 Burpees OMD

The Thang****s

Grab a partner.

100 Pull-ups while your partner performs AMRAP SSH, flap jack as needed.

90 Burpees OMD

50 Curb Dips OMD

10 Worst Squats Ever OMD

50 Mary (varied)