
Is it gonna rain, or isn’t it. Last night Steve said it was likely to rain. This morning, he’s saying it won’t. 17, er, 18 HIMs braved the uncertainty that is the iPhone weather app and posted on a near-perfect 50 degree November morning. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance Warm Up Pet Sounds arrives. Slow count Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles, overhead claps, Steve Earles, Cotton Pickers, and Merkins (on my down AND up). [Read More]

tortoise - Burpees, Pullups and Merkins

Lonely PAX of 1 doing EC Pull Ups. Where is Theisman when you need him. Crimson brought the Mumble Chatter early so had to do several rounds of Burpees throughout workout to keep it in check. Warm up 10 Good Morning 15 Hillbillies 15 OH clap 10 Burpees OYO 15 Merkins 15 Plank Jacks Runners stretch Thang 1 Mosey to driveway 11s 1 Burpee at top of hill and 10 Merkins at bottom. [Read More]

Carpex Triple down

‘Twas a chilly morning for the first annual Carpex Triple Down featuring a Ruck, F3 Phoenix, and FiA Moneypenny. Then there was also F3 Dads to boot (yes, that’s how you spell it; it’s not ’ta boot’ or ’taboot’ or any other of the bastardized versions I’ve seen afloatin’ around the interwebs). But I digress. YHC rolled in at t0 with some B-52s rocking the ol pickup. A few minutes later (we’ll call it t1) 12ish of us embarked on a cluster ruck (Triple Down Part 1) while a few others embarked on some runs. [Read More]

Rotate. Rotate. Rotate. Rotate.

- EC Pullups: Theisman, Red Ryder, Joe Smith, Parker, Bluewater - EC Run (that’s right I said EC run): Michelob, Wonderbread, GTL, Hi-Liter, Snots, Chanticleer, Largemouth, Denali & YHC I’ve done a variation of this workout once before at SWW but I thought it would be perfect for Tortoises so I dusted it off, loaded up the Pontiac P.O.S with some fun toys to play with and the rest is soon to be Carpex History. [Read More]

Music to My Ears

Pre-Blast 17 HIM joined YHC for 2.23 miles of “The Worst Kettle Bell Workout Ever” at HB Today, CarPex set a new record: most complaining to the Q by the PAX! Congratulations to all the PAX who helped earn this prestigious award!! Aye!! The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run out of the lot to the other lot, mixed run, BC, end up at the circle. Circle up for: SSH, Good Mornings, Slow Count Merkins. [Read More]

Service Before Self

10 November 2018 – the day before Veterans Day and YHC was ready to lead a bootcamp for the ages to pay honor and tribute to our Nation’s warriors who have worn the uniform to defend freedom at home and abroad. I knew I needed stronger men than myself to lead this epic beatdown, and so I literally called in the Troops. Here’s how it went down, keeping in mind that the pax were well equipped with weight vests and ruck sacks, and 2 men at all times carried a log c/o of our brother Bartman (who was out Rucking his ass off at a tough… what a beast). [Read More]

The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

Figure Eights, PBRs, and Other Stuff

Q DATE: November 2, 2018 23 HIM for the inaugural Gran Torino Q on a fantastic November morning. The workout plan was stolen from inspired by Freydaddy’s Catalyst Q YHC posted at last week. Since Gran Torino is hi-tempo it needed to be tighten up a bit. We covered 3.7 to 3.9 miles and did some other stuff. Warmup • Pledge allegiance • Jog over to the front of the school • Take a lap around the figure 8 formed by the carpool and bus loops • SSH x 30 • Frog hoppers - like a squat jump but just using feet and calfs for jumping - Hi-liter commented that they were a bit effeminate - next time we’ll do kegels [Read More]

Water Wings Week Part Tres

11/7/18 We had a blast doing pull-ups, monkey humpers, rock your bodies, fast feet, curb hops and Australian mountain climbers. Most complained, but all delighted in the punishment.

Bear Crawls, Burpees and Boppits

Week two at Claymore, the best lit limited running AO in all of Carpex, and the parking lot is filling up fast. Can YHC handle a big crowd? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Mosey up the parking lot and around the island then circle up. Count off, 17 PAX. YHC is fair and kind, only 10 burpees OYO. Continue the warm-up with side straddle hops, imperial walkers, copperhead merkins, mountain climbers, copperhead squats, then pick up the other 7 burpees OYO. [Read More]