TP flyby

Today was really all about the warm up. And the fly-by. But more on that one bit later. First the warm-up. Rolled into Cornerstone church several minutes early and took a run over to the cemetery for some hill. Singular. Back just in time to grab the speaker, turn on some NIN radio, and greet the crew. No FNGs. Two FNG2M. Never met them before. Glad to know Jeter and Charmin. [Read More]

Lions and tires and bars, oh my!

It’d been a hot minute since YHC had Q’d something besides EC broga (Fridays 0515 @Dante’s Peak) so a limited run AO seemed like the perfect way to ease back into things. Plus I found out at my last Hell’s Bells post that we had not 1 but 3 tires tucked away onsite, so an idea was formed…possibly one better left as an idea, but more on that later. Warm-a-rama Good morning, on up & down, x5 TIE Fighters Fwd, Seal claps, TIE Fighters Rev, OH claps IC x10 each Low squat hold and side-to-side toe taps, IC x10…not sure if this move has a name, what about a Penguin squat? [Read More]

An(Un)limited MASH Run?

Dang it. It’s 4:45am and I’m awake. With 75 mins to kill before the the 6am start time of over at MASH I’m torn on what to do. Who am I kidding, no I’m not! I get up, get dressed and head over to the AO for a lil 1.5EC. Some time passes and 14 other HIM show up and join me for some fun stuff… starting with the disclaimer (1 FNG) and the Pledge [Read More]

You Can't Spell Burpee Without Bob Seger

Another moist morning in Carpex, and Open Concept has brought us an FNG named Tom. Give him the disclaimer, turn on some Bob Seger and let’s get started. Warm-Up It’s Tin2Iron and we can’t mosey, so circle up and do five burpees to reduce the chatter, Sir Fazios, more burpees to welcome late arrival Charmin, imperial walkers, cherry pickers, copperhead merkins and squats, and One Big Crimson Good Morning. The Thang Grab a coupon and line up at the first island for 11’s, coupon curls while walking down to the next island for squats, overhead presses while walking back for rows. [Read More]

Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtracking

YHC hadn’t Q’d a kettlebell workout before, but the pressure was lifted when I learned that neither Site Qs Triple Lindy or Wahoo would be there. YHC brought the keurig and Theismann brought the flag, we were all set. No FNGs, so pledge and down to business. Warm up Mosey around parking lots SSH IC x12 Windmills IC x12 Imperial Walkers IC x12 SF FWD + Seal Clap + SF BWD + OH Claps + Hallelujah’s IC x12 ea Thang 1 - Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtracks I was planning a tabata, but then I came across a kettlebell flow that inspired me to come up with what I’m calling the Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtrack. [Read More]

Will You Call My Name

2 1/2 years ago Pickles approached me with an idea to start a second limited run AO in Carpex. I was months behind on my membership dues but Pickles promised that he could “fix it” with the Leadership if I became a co-Site Q and started paying him directly in unmarked $10s and $20s (privilege of him being the Dues Collector, I guess). At first, I was worried. I was fairly new to F3 and unlike Mama’s Boy people actually liked me after their first post with me. [Read More]

Patriotic Iron Sharpens Iron

Workout Date: 04/29/21 This is my third Carpex Q of the week (and fourth overall) as I try to force myself back into a regular posting schedule. This is also my third Cornerstone Church Q of the week, a great site for the no run/low run/coupon crowd. Like the pull up bars I had incorporated yesterday, the cinder blocks were on my mind for today. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs, give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

Tortoise Pendulum

Workout Date: 04/28/21 YHC needed to hop back on the Q train to get my momentum back. Tortoises was the second workout I was able to find on the Carpex Q sheet for this week. At Hell’s Bells on Monday, I had heard about the pull up bars on site and hoped I could work them in somehow. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs, give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

Cinco de Mayo de Sucko

Goal: Have fun and do some stupid stuff. The stupid stuff started early: The first thing that you should do when you Q is to show up early. YHC made the site Q’s anxious by showing up at 5:29ish - it all started El Crappo. Disclaimer in broken Spanish at 5:31: Buenos dia hermanos Este esse effe tres FNG? No? OK. Yo no es professionale Y yo no tengo dinero [Read More]

May the 4th Be With You: Light Side vs Dark Side Challenge

Disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance. (This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th CARPEX Light Side vs. Dark Side Challenge It is uneasy times in galaxy. The Galactic Republic is a memory and the Empire has taken its hold over everything. Emperor Palpatine has charged Darth Vader to send a team of Imperial Stormtroopers to collect Kyber crystals that were stolen by Bounty Hunters and that have been lost on the plant Endor. [Read More]