When The Beat Drops..

A pax of 7 showed up for a hot and sunny beatdown at Rush Hour, about 95 degrees to be exact. Compared to YHC’s three previous Q’s, which were all rainy and/or wet. Though I’m sure we would’ve all been ok with that this time around. So, after the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and running to the grassy spot beside the parking deck for warmups. Warmup: Good Evening x 10 SSH x 10 Steve Earle x 10 Overhead Clap x 10 Moroccan Night Club x 10 1 Burpee Thang 1: [Read More]

The Triple Nickel Strikes Again!

The last of my official Birthday Week Q’s, and while still feeling a little tired an a little sore, I was ready to get it this morning. I just Q’d at Bond Park a few days ago and wanted to keep this a bit more fresh. With the Crazy Train coming up, and folks getting more focused on BRR training, I figured we get a little hill work in, and make it a little exciting at the same time. [Read More]

Another Trip Completed

Another trip around the sun completed, so I will celebrate my birthday by Q’ing a workout Started on time and after the disclaimer and pledge we mosey’d over to the parking lot by the baseball fields Warm Up 15 SSH 10 Sir Fazio Forward and Backup 15 Imperial Walkers 10 Merkins 10 Good Morning Thang 1 11’s Squats and Hillybillys Thang 2 Dora 123 Time 100 Step ups 200 American Hammers [Read More]

Why Murph

“In an interview, Daniel Murphy said that he was not surprised to learn about his son’s actions. ‘What Maureen and I always worried about was that he would put himself in danger to help someone else, which turned out to be true,’ he said. " If you’re not familiar with the story of Micheal Murphy and his final heroic acts that ultimately cost him his life I invite you click below: https://www. [Read More]

Once you get it, you can’t put it down; also, partner up to know your Brother

AO: SWW Date: 5/24/19 PAX: Adjacent, Beltway, Blue Water, Captain Jack, Denali, Honeycomb, FNG Keebler, Kitty Litter, Oofta, Joe Smith, Smokey, Stetson, Wonderbread, WWW The design of the workout came to mind when I met up with Hermès to pick-up approximately 200 decorative bricks. It was a workout loading them into the bed of my truck. Those bricks were of perfect coupon weight to challenge the HIMs. Time to party … brick party that is. [Read More]

Celebrating May 24th…on May 23rd

It was another glorious morning at the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday. While scrambling for a theme last night, I decided it would be fun to quiz the PAX on holidays, history and birthdays that occurred on May 24th. The only problem was, by the time we started our quiz this morning, I was quickly informed that today was not May 24th, but rather May 23rd. Details, details. [Read More]

How you planned may not always be how it happens.

Date: 5/20/19 PAX: EarharT, Intimidator, Monkey Nut, Quiver, Shut-in, WWW I had a planned routine going to the workout but during the initial mosey, I had a random synapse firing in my brain when I took notice of the inclined walkway to the amphitheater. I’m going to change it up and do 11’s. The reason for 11s is we do not do enough of it at HB so I wanted it to be the star thang. [Read More]

Unlocking the Merks for some Sandy Walmart Burps fun without the beach after being Thunderstruck

AO: Danger Zone Date: 5/17/19 PAX: Archetype, Cataracts, One Direction, Pierogi, Press On, Sosa, WWW What a beautiful day for some beach sandy fun without the beach. My body was still trying to recover from the workouts this week but that was not going to deter me from challenging these HIMs. I know they are up to the challenge. The PAX was ready to go so we did the F3 admin stuff and Pledged our Allegiance to Ole Glory. [Read More]

Ultimate Burpee with additional Prime Time Merks

AO: The Lion’s Den PAX: Disco Duck, Hi-Liter, Imp, Nerf, Red Ryder, Sub, Sour Mash, WWW The thought for the workout today has been planned for some time. I kept charting the time when it would be light enough to bring back ultimate frisbee/burpee. For the past week, the average time for sunrise was 0545 hrs. I just had to warm the PAX up and then do one round of a thang. [Read More]

Sooey's BACK!

Tomorrow marks the 90 day mark from when YHC had L5-S1 spinal fusion. In a way, that went by quick but in a way that seems like forever ago. YHC only ‘missed’ two weeks of F3 during the initial recovery, making it a point to post 3-4 days a week. The PAX really stepped up to keep me company on what was branded as the Sooey Shuffle. Thank you for everyone for all of the support and encouragement during the recovery process! [Read More]