Invigorating young men

A few days ago on ye ol’ Slack, YHC saw a cry for help across the chatter-sphere. A stomach bug of some sort was taking out the Slappy family and the FMJ Q was up for grabs. Sensing a distinct gap in my koozie inventory, YHC jumped in. As many of you know, Tuesdays are an infrequent post for me so while the kids are out of school and camp-less, might as well take advantage! [Read More]

Rock Webbs Rock?

Arrived at 5:00ish to with my new headlamp to scout out some areas we hadn’t visited in awhile. Amazed that there were already at least 6 cars parked on Laura Duncan with HIMs lunge walking the hill, the Army Physical Fitness testing and EC running. Way to start this week off strong! Warm Up - Good Mornings (SW style), SSH, Runners Stretch Calf Stretch, Sir Fazio, Overhead, Seal Thang 1 - 11s on the hill - Mountain Climbers up top, Jump Squats at the bottom. [Read More]

No Upper Body for YHC

It’s well known in Carpex how if you want to get on the Q sheet you need to plan ahead. So, that is exactly what YHC did when signing up for various Qs throughout the year. However 22 days ago YHC fell off his bike, was taken to the ER, and messed up his shoulder pretty bad. After having to give up 2 of my Qs since then, it was time to get back out there! [Read More]

Up Hill Both Ways

Pre-Blast 13 at #ao-fri-gt / Rolling Stone on a glorious morning in NW Cary. One thing led to another…and we ended up at Starbucks for #Coffeteria - the BEST #Coffeteria north of Biscuitville (thx, @Pivot). The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the cutout across from Heritage Pine Rd. Circle up for: GM, WM, Cherrypickers, Calf Stretch, ‘Mericans, Mt. Climbers, Plank Jacks, LBCs. The Thang Cross the street. [Read More]

Rolling Stone 9 Stages of Ruck Hell

Date: 7/19/19 PAX: Bartman, Katniss, Skipper, WWW As the GT HIMs headed out for their beatdown, we Mother Rucker’s headed off to do our thang. Circle up for a little warm-up. Rucked to starting point. QIC/YHC calls out our thang: Rollingstone 9 stages of Ruck Hell - 9 reps of each exercise (goal: 4 rounds with some rucking distance in between each round) Overhead squat Lunges Chest press Shoulder front raise [Read More]

Rubberband Man - Just what a body needs

Date: 7/25/19 PAX: Betsy Ross, Bogo, Callahan, The Commish, Green Bow, Hotspot, How How, Sosa, Torpedo, Willy Wonka, WWW These are the things we did: Hamstring stretch Wide feet hamstring stretch (l/r) Child’s pose Downward Dog Wide feet downward dog Dive Bombers Wide leg forward fold Chest expansion Runners stretch Runner’s stretch drop knee Bootie drop (runners stretch and drop bootie to opposite side of forward leg) Calf stretch Alternating calf stretch [Read More]

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti HI

When: 07/24/2019 Twenty five PAX gathered at 5:30 AM at Tortoises, the limited-run AO. We had one FNG, started with the F3 disclaimer. Welcome to AUSFAHT who came back after his crash and recovery. First exercise Pledge of allegiance at the flag. Mosey around the parking lot and circle up in front of the church. Warm Up Performed warm-up exercises in cadence:10 Good Mornings, 10 Windmills, 10 Surfazio arm circles, 10 Reverse Surfazio arm circles, 10 Seal Claps, and 10 Side straddle hops. [Read More]

Flirtin' with Circuits

Part 2 of 6 Celebrating with 14 of Carpex’s finest Here’s what we did. Warm Up: Disclaimer given. Pledge said. Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, Windmills, Imperial Walkers. Monkey Humper’s per Term Papers request. I thought it was odd too. lol. I also moved my butt to the center of the circle. I’m missing 3 pax so feel free to shout them out in the comments! The Thang: Circuit Work 5 exercises for 5 reps done for 15 minutes. [Read More]


19 PAX, including some strong mother-ruckers, gathered round the flag at Green Hope Elementary in search of their morning Fs. It was a chatty group, so while the ruckers headed off on their journey, the rest of us moseyed around the trail to the other side of the big athletic field. But first, Hi-Liter met the challenge of reciting the mission of F3. The disclaimer was referenced, and allegiance was pledged. [Read More]

Two Drink Minimum

Wow, the weather forecast was intimidating for my first Q at Rush Hour. I seriously thought it might be just me and Theismann, and I was nervous at trying to keep up with him, even when he is wearing a 20# weighted vest. So I packed up a cooler with some waters and cold towels as a mini SAG station, and headed down to lovely DTC. To my surprise, it was the largest turnout that I’ve experienced at Rush Hour, a PAX of 9, including two of our Friendly SW Guys (FSWGs - both of whom were wearing weighted vests). [Read More]