The Morning After

If YHC has one skill when it comes to Qing. One that is greater than all the rest. It has got to be the ability to sign up to Q the morning after late night events. Thursday night football…a major holiday…Christmas Party…you name it, I’m probably Qing it. So of course YHC has the Q on Friday at Slippery When Wet when just hours ago he was stuffing his face with pasta, slingin a few back, and toasting to the new year. [Read More]

You cannot be at Flying Circus and not do some MAGIC!!!

Date: 12/5/19 PAX: BOGO, Clementine, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Gump, Ma Bell, Pigeon, Sky Blue, Trike, WWW I am at the point now that I can make up a workout on the fly, at least the night before. If you want to be creative, the exicon is full of fun stuff to do. However, some exercises you’ll need a decoder ring to understand what to do and how to execute it properly. [Read More]

We’ll Leave the (Car) Light On For You

When I saw Slappy’s note go out requesting someone pick up Lion’s Den for him I was ecstatic. He had said he was feeling sick but would still Q if no one took it. That sounded like a recipe for some sloppy Slappy merlot and I wanted a second row seat for it. Then Slappy DM-ed me a personal photo of mine I had uploaded to GroupMe back when I thought it was a just private storage site (Thanks a lot, Sub! [Read More]

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Rockin’ around the Xmas tree - Photo courtesy Frisco 9 rocked around (a very small) Christmas tree while 4 rucked around them. Warm up After a short mosey round the pickle, the PAX gathered for side-straddle hops (15), daisy pickers (15), hamstring stretches, plank hops (15) and calf stretches, then proceeded to the “play area” for… Thang 1 - Tempo fugiemus? Tempo-based series in 1:3 ratio featuring dips (15), bear crawl to raised heel half squats (15), crab crawl to curbkins (15), turkey trot (duck waddle). [Read More]

Enough rollin' in my 5.0 ...

Ah, Thanksgiving. Family, food, football. And, if you are like me and my family, lots and lots of travel. With brothers and sisters spread out across the U.S. (and abroad) hosting Thanksgiving at home is a once-every-few-years affair. The rest of the time, it means a flight or a drive. This year, it was drive. And since no one wants to travel 800 miles only to turn around and head back 48 hours later, we saved the return till the last moment. [Read More]

52 Qs done ... BLIMPS Ladder taboot

Date: 11/26/19 I have reached a personal goal I set at the start of the year. I wanted to Q an average of 1 per week. I still have 4 weeks left and I planned to Q a 7-pack in week 50. When you focus on your goal, you can achieve anything. What is exciting about Q’ing a workout is developing a routine that will challenge the PAX. I had fun building the routine. [Read More]

It’s been a year since my last HB Q and it was great to be out again! MO

Date: 11/26/19 PAX: Ashbury, Chanticleer, Deuce, Intimidator, JD Powers, Meatloaf, Monkey Nuts, FNG Right Stuff, Sega, Smithers, Triple Lindy, Wahoo, WWW It has been almost a year since I’ve been back to HB. Being The A Team co-Site Q on the same day makes it tough to get to HB. This is my first since it moved from Apex Nature Park to Sovereign Grace Church. Glad to be back doing KB. [Read More]

Pair of Rucksters discussing the Ruck Life of F3

Date: 11/22/19 As I continue my quest to Q once a week for 2019, This will make it the big 5-0. For me, this is quite epic especially knowing I do not run so much. However, it doesn’t hinder me from Q’ing. I really like bootcamp workouts, but, rucking is one of those workouts that I’m most comfortable doing because I do not have to think about running. Don’t get me wrong, I do think about running but it’s not important at all in my life anymore. [Read More]

20 of everything

Started to get a little nervous this morning as it was just mere minutes before Main Event here at Tortoises and we only have 5 PAX in attendance. I knew we had a Nan’tan Q taking place not too far away that might be getting a large crowd. Next thing I know 3 out of 4 doors open on Meatloaf’s car and we are now up to 8 PAX. No FNG’s so let’s get started with the pledge. [Read More]

Freedom Rings even when you're Dazed and Confused

Date: 11/15/19 As I was trying to develop the workout, all I can think about is honoring all our Veterans this week and it’s RESPECT week. I always like to do something different in my workouts. It’s fun to scour the Exicon for new exercises. So, I dug deep into the list and brought out some stuff I’ve never heard about. Read on to know what we did: F3-adminstrivia done. No FNGs. [Read More]