Six years in the making!

The 6th anniversary was such a big day for Carpex, 3 Q’s were lined up to ensure events would proceed smoothly. Against the odds, a cluster was avoided. Welcome FNG’s Ya Baby and Cradle. Here’s what went down. Warm Up: Shared among the Q’s with SSH, cotton pickers, hillbillies, merkins and yes, you can now go and have a great day since you had a good morning Main thing #1 - Burt: Over to the soccer field, we sprinted back and forth, doing exercises at each end. [Read More]

The Triple Nickel Strikes Again!

The last of my official Birthday Week Q’s, and while still feeling a little tired an a little sore, I was ready to get it this morning. I just Q’d at Bond Park a few days ago and wanted to keep this a bit more fresh. With the Crazy Train coming up, and folks getting more focused on BRR training, I figured we get a little hill work in, and make it a little exciting at the same time. [Read More]

Why Murph

“In an interview, Daniel Murphy said that he was not surprised to learn about his son’s actions. ‘What Maureen and I always worried about was that he would put himself in danger to help someone else, which turned out to be true,’ he said. " If you’re not familiar with the story of Micheal Murphy and his final heroic acts that ultimately cost him his life I invite you click below: https://www. [Read More]

Once you get it, you can’t put it down; also, partner up to know your Brother

AO: SWW Date: 5/24/19 PAX: Adjacent, Beltway, Blue Water, Captain Jack, Denali, Honeycomb, FNG Keebler, Kitty Litter, Oofta, Joe Smith, Smokey, Stetson, Wonderbread, WWW The design of the workout came to mind when I met up with Hermès to pick-up approximately 200 decorative bricks. It was a workout loading them into the bed of my truck. Those bricks were of perfect coupon weight to challenge the HIMs. Time to party … brick party that is. [Read More]

Lt. Danger reporting for duty

A balmy 71 degrees this morning did not scare off several EC runners including YHC, Largemouth, Michelob, Chanticleer, Chipper, Ooofta & Staubach. All familiar faces this morning, so off we go for a little traveling warm up around the lake. Stopping a few times for Good Mornings & Windmills, then again for Imperial Walkers and SSH, then again for Mnt. Climbers and Merkins. Final stop was the start of the bridge where we walked on our hands (feet on top of bridge) across to the other side. [Read More]


10 HIMs gathered at Koka Booth for the following: Disclaimer disclaimed, allegiance pledged, and mosey to the biggest, baddest parking lot in all of Cary at 0515 on a Thursday. Warm Up SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles forward and back, Moroccan Night Clubs, Calf Stretches, Plank Jacks and Merkins. The Thang Time to play Blackjack. Everything always adds up to 21. Complete 20 Merkins, run the length of the parking lot, and do 1 LBC. [Read More]

Core Principal #1....We Need More Core!

YHC’s goal for the SNS beatdown….don’t stop moving, and engage the core! My challenge to the PAX and future Q’s is to engage the core, and step up the numbers….it doesn’t have to wait for Mary! Though a fine 6-pack…this is NOT what we are talking about! Warm up Quick jog to the community center parking lot, backwards run in a circle to capture the 6 SSH Merkins Calf Stretches w/wide-grip merkins enough…. [Read More]

YokoZuna was MIA

I pulled my first Riptide on my last Q and never wrote the back blast for FMJ where I earned by first Q-zie. I am also hi-jacking one back blast to write about another AO briefly. I feel like I am committing all the sins of Carpex at once…okay I feel absolved for my sins - I said 3 Our Fathers and ran 3 Miles. Was looking forward to my first Q at Kryptonite and had put some thought into what I wanted to do. [Read More]

Last workout of the week

20 Pax hit up the Naturest of all Parks in Apex for a Friday morning beatdown. YHC pre-blasted that we’d be using the pull-up bars and the turf. Let’s see how it went down. 0545 - Disclaimer and Pledge Warmup - No signature warm up. Instead we pranced the parking lot back and forth with butt kickers, high knees, shuffles, karaoke, and a couple warm up exercises. Thang 1 - We headed to the pond and partnered up, each getting a rock. [Read More]

Break Down to Build Up

Pre-Blast 7 supermen at Kryptonite for 4.1 miles of full body bliss. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run 1.2 around the lots next door for to get the blood flowing. Circle up for: GM, WM, Groiner Merkins. The Thang Deconstructed Burpee Double 11’s: beginning at the bottom of the hill, 10 Merkins, at the top of the hill, 10 Frog Ups, at the end of the circle in the service drive, 1 Prisoner Squat, back at the top of the hill, 1 Star Jump. [Read More]