The Real Sumo Squat

Pre-Blast 21 for 3.2 miles of pearls on a string at Krypto The Warmup & Thang Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Turn left out of the lot onto Regency. Run up to Enderlee pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Left on Enderlee. Run down to Regency pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Run to the parking lot hill pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. [Read More]

Peace at SWW / Crazy sheet abroad

YHC loves his annual (less if it can be avoided) trips to AOs below Route 1 but the Friday ones are doubly special. Once a DZ’er, always a DZ’er after all. But with the holiday-ish week upon us and the 2.0s not yet in school, tis the time to commit to a 20+ minute commute and see how the other half lives. And boy is it a different world down here in Car-ner Springs. [Read More]

Putting the B in Burpee, and Other B Words

I never know exactly how many PAX are boot-camping and how many are Vespering, but there were 20+ gathered at Bond Park expecting some sort of exercise routine. Warm Up A couple laps around the pickle to get the gams loose. Do the Pledge and recite the F3 Mission, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio forward and back, Seal claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks, and CFMs. The Thang Mosey down to the end of Maury O’Dell, hang a right and go to the nicely lit parking lot adjacent to fields 5/6/7. [Read More]

Release The Hounds

16 for the main event and 8 for the pre-run on what started out as a pretty normal Monday morning - 40ish degrees in December, a plan to cover some ground with a few exercises thrown in, and Burt yelling my hospital name before we even left the parking lot. But we eventually got into the Regency neighborhood where someone released their pair of attack dogs as we were doing hill repeats in front of their driveway. [Read More]

Re-evaluating Life Decisions

Early this morning, YHC, Wrench, Flenderson, Two Factor, Jiggly Puff, and some random Maynard participants gather at the Cary Senior Center. For some crazy reason YHC decided to join in on the EC festivities offered by Wrench on Slack last night. We started the morning at 5:30 setting out for a 5 mile loop. 54 minutes and 5.51 miles later YHC arrived back to the senior center for the ME. I was beat and clearly questioning my life decisions at that point. [Read More]

5 Years............and Counting

Hit the PAX with a challenge to post at Kryptonite on the Slacks. And a special request to the 8 other Pax that attended my first workout, 7 of the 8 were there (Burt - Q, Wonderbread, Denali, Hotspot, Michelob, Franklin, and MaBell). Surcharge was unable to make it, although I am not sure he received my request. Anyways, 27 total showed up to see if I learned anything in the past 5 years…………. [Read More]

OK, Boomer

Google it, if you have to. I did. Hint: it has nothing to do with Oklahoma. 19 PAX + 1 for EC only showed up at a damp and gloomy FMJ as Carpex Respect Week rolls on. Seems like an appropriate week for one of our Respects to ask, “Hey! Can you just tell me what ‘OK Boomer’ means so I don’t have to look it up?” In the meantime, we did do some exercises: [Read More]

Sprained Ankles and Lost Panties

Nekkid’ Mole Skin: The title of this BB was going to be Water Boarded (thanks to @shutincarpex), but didn’t quite have that oomph to it. You see, after the workout this morning at Kryptonite (which by the way one of the PAX called this workout the best ever at Kryptonite), as we were 2nd F’in at #Trunkaterria (thanks Wonderbread!), we were discussing how Schlitz fell down during the lateral shuffle Pyramid Gassers, then Schlitz told us this story of why his ankle is a bit unstable: Schlitz says that he and his M were on vacation…Aruba or somewhere like that…. [Read More]

Tight, Flowey, and Quick

Pre-Blast 14 speedsters at GT for 4.2ish. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Small Group Indian Run up to M. Pkwy and back through the neighborhood to the roundabout in Preston Village. Circle up for 5 SSH. The First Thang Partner up. Burpee Bear Crawl around the entire circle. P1 Burpee Bear Crawls while P2 runs the same direction around the circle to catch P1. Flap jack. Continue to flap jack until you complete the circle. [Read More]

This Q brought to you by Google Maps

What does one do when they aren’t familiar with the area and yet have signed up to Q for? Use Google Maps of course! So many trails and well lit sidewalks in the area… probably already been done… honestly all I could see were the rows and rows of houses neatly tucked around cul de sacs. And not small houses either, the kind of houses that probably wouldn’t take lightly 20 hooligans dressed in mostly black and encroaching on their homestead. [Read More]