1,085 reps if you were keeping track (a couple of you were not)

Big props to Build-A-Bear, Banjo, Headroom, Lookout & Chops for their 0345 launch of a 10 mile EC run. A few normal HIM did a regular 3 mile EC run at 0500 0530 - 4 runners - 24 bootcampers - 1 rucker & a dog **Warm-Up **Mosey for some Good Morning, Windmill, Mnt. Climber, Steve Earle **Thang 1 **Doracides- Partner Up for 100 CDD; 200 Squats; 300 LBCs; 400 SSH [Read More]

Runner's Arms Fixed Here

Sick and tired of being made fun of by Flip Flop, a few runners took a break from The Maynard to work on some other muscles. However, runner or not, today’s workout pushed everyone a little out of their comfort zone **Warm-Up **Circle up for some Good Mornings, Windmills, Steve Earles, Arm Circles **Thang One **With everyone standing in a circle I called out exercises to be completed for 1 minute OYO (w/30-second recovery), except for those standing in front of the fun toys I brought. [Read More]

Catch'em Burpees

20 Pax today total with the guys that ran the Dino (I think)..

No FNG’s

We had 4 for EC run of 3 miles

Disclaimer and intro, Pledge

Mosey to the parking lot by ball field for warm up, some good stretching to get ready for the thang

The Thang

  • Partner up for Catch me if you can with burpees
    • Partner 1 did 5 burpees to start
    • continued for 2 laps around trail/ path around the fields
    • Reduce down to 4 burpees for 1 lap
    • Then 3 burpees for 1 lap
    • Then 2 burpees for 1 lap
    • Running short on time for the last one so we split in 2 groups for a Washington run back to skate park for Mary

Mary with LBCs, Homer to Marge, and American Hammers

Honeycomb Hills

26 HIMs showed up today. This was my 2 year anniversary this week and this is original place i posted. Thank you Water Wings for bringing me out! Intro… Water Wings showed up late. 5 Burpees Pledge Mosey to the parking lot at Regency Woods for a warm up The Thang 7’s on the big hill (.2 downhill and .2 back up) We started with 6 Burpees at the top and 1 Burpee at the bottom Everyone finished this up and we set on a Washington run back to the flag Finished right on time… clocked 4. [Read More]

Blood Doping (legally)

Ahh, Thursday nights since this COVID-19 started. Normally a night reserved for playing poker at my friend’s house, but we’ve been doing it differently. Now we all stay home and play against each other on an online platform, plus with use a separate laptop to Zoom in so we can physically see each other and talk trash. Playing in this fashion is fun, and can have both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that we can all slug down tons of beers all night since we don’t have to drive. [Read More]

Backblast two-fer

Taking a page out of the high-tempo-ness of the two AOs to which this two-fer belongs and high-tempoing this mofo in one uninterrupted writing block. Clock. Starts. Now. 7:01PM start. Measured Thrice Location: TGM PAX: YHC, Parker, Snots, 1-4, Pivot, Skidmore (out of towner… sort of), Biner, Hi-Liter + Ruckers: Trike, Repeato + Pooch, Skipper Warm-up: Bring yo gloves. Bring yo water. Start your Stravas. Follow me. Leave said gloves and said water (except Hi-Liter who claims that water makes him weak) over by the buses. [Read More]

Time May Change Kryptonite, but you can't change Kryptonite

Oofta and YHC were especially amped for Kryptonite today, because we were the lucky two who get to take the SiteQ responsibilities for the next…ummm, how long is it? Denali and Wonderbread conveniently left that part out. The EC was on, because, well, who doesn’t want to run with the Beige Bros before a 3 mile minimum high tempo workout. We rolled back in to the launch lot with maybe 12 seconds to spare, the PAX gathered, no FNGs, we said the pledge and off we went…. [Read More]


This Guy! Largemouth, Denali and Wonderbread for some EC laps around the AO. Today is a perfect example of never giving up on your dreams. I’ve waited for this day for 50 years and it finally happened. You see kids…. Great group of defiant HIM this morning for an early rollout of Phase 2. We ran, circled up, and celebrated the day of my birth with 5 Good Mornings; 19 Steve Earles; and 70 (IC) SSH. [Read More]

You're no Prodigal

Sunday afternoon, YHC was finally done with most of the chores for the day (after a great morning TRM tuneup run with Wonderbread), and checked in on Slack to see what was up. First priority was to check on the Q status for Gran Torino Friday…OH NO we need a Q! But then, a more urgent call for help was noticed. Prodigal needed someone to take his Kryptonite Q. It’s been a while since I Q’d (and especially Kryptonite), so I tossed my hat in the ring. [Read More]

It’s Raining Men—Blame Parker

So a few weeks back there was a pop-up FIA/F3 AO for Valentine’s Day c/o: Red Ryder and his M. It was a pleasant surprise since the standard orders I have from Shut In (and Parker, and Red Ryder, and Smokey, and Snots, and even a few guys that aren’t married) are: “Frisco, you don’t talk to my wife, you don’t look at my wife, you don’t even breathe the same air. [Read More]