So glad Saban wasn't there...

Wow - love these 530 starts 25 minutes away…. or not. However, it is always a pleasure to lead and this morning was know exception. We started with 15, ended with 15 and had 16 during our mid workout count o rama. Many people that I haven’t seen at all or in a while - that is why it is great to travel. YHC looked through the last several backblasts before his Q at FWD - and noted that they only seemed to a) go to the bridge, b) go across the road to the office park or c) run up and down the Cary Park hill - so my primary goal was to do something different. [Read More]

That's a nice rock pile...

Arrive at the Bradford Ordinary Parking lot for my second Q ever at BO. See Yoga Mat returning from his Solo EC Run, others start showing up including last week’s FNG Cluster. We start with a solid group of 7 HIM’s. Mosey to bank Warm Up: 16 ssh 15 merkins 10 sir fazio forward 10 sir fazio backward 15 good morning Mosey to Rockpile grab rock mosey to church parking lot. [Read More]


Pre-Blast 10 HIM joined YHC for 2.8 miles at A-Team The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the gravel lot, paint the lines on the way. Circle up for: Good Mornings, SirFazio, Burpees, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, Frog Ups, Star Jumps. The Thang****s Deconstructed Burpee Double Hill Double Sevens: From the gravel lot, run to the bottom of hill 1 for 1 Prisoner Squat, run back up to the gravel lot for 1 Merkin, run to the bottom of hill 2 for 6 Frog Ups, run back up to the gravel lot for 6 Star Jumps. [Read More]

Circle Burpee's finished off with a Lazy Dora

What other way would you welcome in 3 new FNG’s (Milton Bradley, Stetson and Meatloaf) but with some Circle Burpee’s and a Lazy Dora. Warmup 16 Good Mornings 16 Side Straddle Hops 16 LBC’s 16 Mountain Climbers Thang 1 We ran around the pickle with a mixture of karaoke and backward’s running to the corner of Cary Parkway. we proceed 1/2 way up the hill doing 5 merkins at each light pole. [Read More]

Cherries and Merkins

Pre-Blast This being my virgin Q, it was great to do at BO as it was my FNG site. I really appreciated all the help from and support from the PAXs, before and during workout. Hermes brought cherries, Lite Brite provided water, and Burt provided tank tops. Warm-Up Pledge of allegiance Ran to the bank and circled up to do: 10 -good mornings 20 - side saddle hop 20 - Merkins [Read More]

I Did It All for the Koozie

They say good things come to those who wait. Who are they? The PAX? The Q? 24 gathered to find out for a VQ that was a long time coming. YHC awoke at 0420 for a 0530 VQ approx 4 minutes away. Alrighty then. Arrived early to off load the pain sticks and found FNG Daniel alone in the parking lot with his car and an empty black BMW. PAX piled in the small lot, disclaimer was given, and off we went. [Read More]

Why do my legs still hurt?

It’s been 50 hours and 13 minutes since this workout at SNS on Wednesday September 26, and my legs still hurt. This was the first installment of Flaccoversary week and I wanted to make it one to remember. Now I’m trying to forget it. Read below to see why. Warm Up Mosey to the gate, circle up and warm up Good morning x 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 front x 10 back Imperial Walkers x 15 Shoulder/tricep lean R/L Merkins x 40 [Read More]

Franklinaversary - 4th edition

On the last Monday in September in 2014, YHC was privileged to be an FNG at an A-Team workout. Today, YHC took the opportunity of his anniversary to repeat his inaugural F3 workout, this time as the Q, just as I did on the last Monday in September 2015, 2016 and 2017. Following the first time I participated in this workout (under the leadership of Denali), I couldn’t raise my arms above my head for 3 days and couldn’t walk properly for 6 days. [Read More]

No Mucking Way!

September 17, 2018 YHC was inspired last weekend. He spent Saturday prior running around in the mud in Denver for an MS charity. Knowing he had to figure plan a workout for the old crew on Wednesday AND that it rained a little bit in the area, inspiration quickly took hold. Not knowing exactly WHAT they were going to do, he definitely knew WHERE it was going to happen. There was even a PSA on the site AO days ahead of time. [Read More]

10 Rounds with Rocky Balboa

Pre-Blast 19 HIM entered the ring to go 10 rounds with Rocky Balboa. West CARY was well represented. The FWD shovel flag was not well represented. The BO flag was, though. Amirite Kitty?! The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the shopping center. Circle up behind the stores for: Good Morning, Windmills, Merkins, Sir Fazio AC The Thang Run back to the park, weave the pylons, grab a traveling rock. [Read More]