Time Flies

Pre-BB Shout out to @Largemouth for helping YHC out…needed to lock in a post and Q at THE finest high-tempo bootcamp AO at Kokabooth on a Monday. T Claps to the new dad! BB 9 PAX showed up to see time fly. No time for chatter…right? The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Mixed run around the parking lot (5x) - Wide grip 6" hold merkins, abe vigoda, SSH, wide grip 6" hold merkins, LBC, mountain climbers, wide grip 6" hold merkins [Read More]

I am thankful & I am third

In an effort to add a few more Q’s to YHC’s list before the end of the year, YHC locked in on Thanksgiving morning at Bradford’s Ordinary a few months ago, only to later find out that it would be a Carpex Convergence… and 60-minutes at that. Have not fear PAX, YHC is up to the task and set forth to drop not only a beatdown on the you, but hopefully an impactful post, thus the theme of I am third. [Read More]

11/21 2.4 mile string of pearl

19 pax for a 2.4 mile loop stopping at about 5 spots for some pain stations. Joe Smith led us for some Homer to Marge work at the LDS parking lot. We did some pull ups at the playground, a 10 count down the line inverted sunrise over US1, we finished with some one-arm merkins at the flag. Great work men! Dice gave us some great guidance on what F3 means to him. [Read More]

Rock! Rock! (Till You Drop)

16 Rock Stars came out on a crisp Friday morning to get stronger. Warm-Up Hustle around the pickle to the basketball courts and circle up for side straddle hops, imperical walkers, Sir Fazio arm twirlies (both ways), standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang Hustle across the soggy soccer field to the rock pile and choose a travelling rock. Oops, Ford dropped his rock, everybody gets 10 penalty burpees OYO. [Read More]

Uphill Both Ways

How long’s FWD been in action? How long has it been since I’ve been there? (last time I posted, Fluoride almost killed me…he’s a BEAST) You mean I’ve never had a chance to Q there? What, it’s Sunday and there’s an open Q slot there (and at Vesper AND at Dante’s Peak)? Fantastic, time to pay a visit to Hermes’ homeland. Spent Sunday evening drawing up my plans, had my Weinke all ready to roll. [Read More]

Salute to our Veterans.

Nice morning. 44 degrees. Crystal clear. Respect Week. The original Cary AO. 26 HIMs. The DZ crew was complete this am with Cally and Large in attendance. Today we observe Veterans Day and at DZ we are fortunate to be the closest AO to Cary’s Veterans Freedom Park. Cally took us there a few years back…so we had to go back. A little Rip Tide Pearl on a String was planned for the 1. [Read More]

Flirtin With Respect

November 7th 2017 QIC Fluoride The Pax: Ollie, Sosa, Dice, Oofta, Saban, Kyrie, Lite Brite, Chanticleer, Titanic, Mufasa, WKRP, Term Paper, Whorley, Joe Smith, Hermes, Wonder Bread. It was a perfect morning at Marla Dorrell park as I rolled in for yet another beat down with my fellow pax. As I walked up I noticed Hermes seated in a lawn chair donning a straw hat and reading the paper. He said he was waiting to show me the add for Sprigmoor Retirement home, thought I might be interested. [Read More]


Pulling into the Senior Center (an apt place to start for RESPECT Week, as so many pointed out - hardy har har), I could tell there was 24K magic in the air. Someone brought a Wal-Mark special fishing rod, an obvious nod to YHC’s fishing prowess. Some PAX were already sweating from Insomnia; some were sweating the impending beatdown they were about to receive; some took the easy way out and Vespered their way out of a beatdown; some rucked because, you know, running sucks and walking’s not enough. [Read More]

Almost respectable...

… at least working hard to become so. YHC was proud to be counted among the sixteen PAX who braved the gloom to post at Wolverine today. Thanks to the end of daylight saving time, we could see each other reasonably well. I must say, the PAX were looking quite spiffy in the early morning light. (Strike that as awkward :) Warmed-up in the parking lot by painting a few lines, then: [Read More]

Leave the Park! 11/3/17 SWW

YHC was honored to lead these Stallions in a little belated b-day workout. Maiden Q for me for this AO. Many many great options.. The Warmup: In honor of the best Tuesday AO in all of Carpex, the first activity is to… Leave the park Jog to the Bocci restaurant shopping center, down around back at the bottom of the stairs, Mime in a Short Box while we wait for the 6. [Read More]