Back Blast[oise]

I knew I wanted to do it at some point. 8 calendar days into the Q game seemed pretty early to break it out, but @F3CaryBO forced my hand. And as I started to piece together the workout options… there are too many ideas to be contained in 45 minutes, so consider this round one. I may have hidden from the Q spotlight for a year, but now my penchant for gimmicky theme is coming into view and I can hide it no longer. [Read More]

A Toast to the HIM of Carpex

YHC became Texas Ranger on February 18, 2017 at Bond Park in Cary. Thanks to Ollie for an awesome F3 name, more cool than what I deserve. So, anniversary Q, here’s how it went: Pre warm-up: YHC announced his anniversary Q and invited the PAX to stick around after COT for a toast to the HIM of Carpex, with a little Powerade, water, and um, Scotch (The Glenlivet, my favorite). [Read More]

Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me.

4 Years of ACCOUNTABILITY. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me Where: BO When: 2/15/18 22 PAX: Banjo, Bartman, Biner, Burt, Callahan, CheddarBo, Chinese Downhill, Disco Duck, Jigglypuff, Joe Smith, Katniss, Lite Brite, Moped, Netscape, Pickles, PBX, Rio, Saban, Shank, Tecumseh, Term Paper, WKRP 10 burpees OYO Warmup: SSH, Imperial walker, windmills, mountain climbers, merkins Jog to parking deck and back with stops on the way for accountability work [2 Men complete 100 total reps of first exercise, taking turns, 10 count at a time, while other pax holds second position] [Read More]

This PAX is on Fire

Dow Jones wasn’t the only one that had a rough week. YHC was again bit by some sort of bug and two colleagues went down with the flu. So what better way to cap off the week than rising from the ashes at Phoenix? 20 PAX agreed and all 21 of us hit the gloom. Though rain threatened, we stayed mostly dry. A few hearty PAX ran into the AO from various destinations, working to get in some extra miles leading up to various events this Spring. [Read More]

The OCTOTHREAT is real, people. Prepare yourselves!

Another glorious day in the gloom is upon us and YHC is ready for his second ever solo Q at his favorite AO, Bradford’s Ordinary (BO for short). As always, there’s been a lot of mumble chatter in CARPex and YHC has been trying to keep up. If only there was a way to organize our chatter in such a manner where one could easily find topics of conversation and @ their favorite PAX in order to provoke an immediate reply. [Read More]

My Infinity Loop is Bigger Than Yours

When Disco Duck’s call went out to the PAX due to a sparsely populated Q Sheet, YHC jumped in on a couple, including today’s Vesper. Yesterday’s FOD-a-ganza Qed by Shut-E inspired my route selection for today, only the Vesper crowd wants a little more than a quarter mile shindig I’m told. You can see the details in the images below, including the fact that Coney pushed me for a sub-8-minute mile in the last 1. [Read More]


BB 18 HIM’s and one @f3_breathtaker joined YHC for a breathtaking #Octothreat at FWD. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - Weave the pylons on the way to running the circle three times alternating backwards run and both ways karaoke - Circle up for: Good Mornings, SSHs, Sir Fazio/OH Claps, Merkins, Hillbillies - Partner up, run to the shelter The Thang - As a two-man team, complete 80: [Read More]

What the heck is an Octothreat

As the Twitterserve would have it, YHC and some of the fellas including Captain Insano got into a deep-cut thread over the weekend and thus was born the “Octothreat.” With the pressure of the entire F3 Nation, YHC set out to embark the PAX on the first-ever Octothreat. But first, another solid showing at Insomnia. YHC was looking for the easy way out before the Q on this morn, but the peer pressure pushed YHC into the 0505 start time (sorry to Angry Elf who showed up like a HIM at 0520 for recon). [Read More]


15 PAX joined me this morning to celebrate my 1-year F3 Anniversary. One year ago, my good friend Crimson convinced me to be ready to go at 5:15 am for a workout on a cold January morning. When I arrived at Dante’s Peak, I was overwhelmed with new people with funny nicknames including our Q (which I eventually figured out was the leader) named Hotspot. I don’t remember what all we did that morning other than bear crawl the bridge at DP but I thought there was no way I’d be back much less lead a workout. [Read More]

17 years of bliss

YHC loves this site. Plenty of options to push the limits Go Time 0545 Warm Up 1.5 laps around the Pickle with some Karaoke SSH x25IC, Merkins x20-OMD, Plank Jacks x16IC, LBCs, LSF, Merkins x20-OMD, Mtn Climbers x16IC,Good Morningx11IC, Sir Fazio Fwd/Reverse 10/10IC Thang One: Mozy down the road to the coffee shop that is never open on time Along the way pause twice for 6 with planks 1 arm/leg up R/L Once at the coffee shop…. [Read More]