BO's 4/20 VQ

WAKE N’ BAKEĀ šŸ»Warm ups: 15 - Good morningsĀ 15 - low slow flutterĀ 20 (10 each side) - Annie’s 25 - Freddy Mercury’sĀ šŸ» Run back to big church parking lot šŸ»The Thang Partner 1 AMRAPs while Partner 2 Runs around the parking lotĀ (W.A.K.E.) W - WWII A - American hammers K - Knerkins E - E2KsĀ šŸ»N - ‘Ndian run (groups of 4) behind the school into the parking lot. [Read More]

Who Needs a Warm-Up, Not Tortoise!

A nice cool, cloudy, gloom day greets us for another round of beatdowns at the Tortoise. Visitors from out of town, Ma Bell and Wilbur, round out the hearty group of 6. Everyone there on time and no FNGs we head out to the parking lot for a round of warm-ups using quick feet and heel raises. No time at Tortoise for other warm-ups because we need to hit it and get it (to be honest I forgot). [Read More]

Celebrating in Style

First thing, TClaps to Shutty for nailing the COMZ Q and restoring my access to Can any older gents tell me if forgetting passwords at 38 is normal? I will keep it brief today, a welcome relief, I know. Anyway, before we can even make all the good mornings, the shovel flag (poorly planted as it was) falls over and we’re due some penalty burpees. For the ACTUAL workout, short story is, today is the 38th celebration of my birth. [Read More]

Speaking o rising up

18 men rose up from this weekend’s glorious holiday to feel some pain, and speaking of rising, how about we rise up some hills, huh? Mosey Round the loop 20 SSH IC 20 Hillbillies IC 10 GM IC 5 Pikes L/R IC 20 Hackey Sacks IC 11 King David Kicks IC Burpee Count Off - 18 Mosey to Hill for 11ā€™s Top -Squat KDK Bot ā€“ Scuba Buddha Wall by Tennis Court Derkin Progression [Read More]

Memorial Day Warm-up

Once in awhile, it is nice to post at an F3 location that has one substantial exercise, or small sets of exercises that repeat for a good 35 minutes.Ā It becomesĀ a sort of moving meditation with your mind becoming the only deterrent.Ā That is the beauty of the “Murph”.Ā For those of you who do not know, this workout is titled after the Navy Seal Michael Murphy who was killed in action during a firefight in Afghanistan in 2005. [Read More]

Great weather, Great crew, Great site, No Nantan, No site Q, oh what to do....

Thanks to Nature Boy for texting me yesterday asking me if I was attending A-Team. In response - I checked the Q schedule and what to my wondering eyes did appear - but my name next to the Q spot for today. I guess that seals it, I should attend. Planning can be overrated - just ask Callahan. Arrived this morning to find gates closed (nothing new here) but spring is in the air and everyone seemed to have extra pep in their step. [Read More]

No theme, just disillusionment

It would have been easy - though maybe a bit trite - to come up with some March Madness themed workout given the championship game was the night before. But YHC was just ready to get the juices flowing and work out some aggression because: YHC was tired from having stayed up and watched a basketball game Officials and BOG overseers of the university that the winners of said basketball game represented willfully, arrogantly, and unremorsefully initiated and perpetrated the longest and most egregious case of academic fraud in the history of sports in order to keep players eligible, maintain their cash cow of a revenue stream and ultimately win championships so said officials and BOG overseers can bloviate to their country club, academia, faux academia, and law firm colleagues how “their” basketball team is better’n your’n, all while NCAA and ACC officials nodded in agreement as aforementioned officials, BOG overseers, hired mercenaries, PR firms and pompous academics obfuscated, hid behind obtuse laws, delayed, denied, countered, covered up, and persecuted in order to keep the truth from being exposed. [Read More]

Low tempo but hard work

17 gathered outside the gate and no FNGs in site, so off to the very 1st parking lot on right for warm up. Warm Up SSH x 15 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazio x 15 Merkins x 56 Thang Mozy to Power line hill and gather at the bottom for 21’s of Plankjacks and LBCs Fairly early audible to skip odd numbers LBCs at bottom of hill while we wait for all PAX to finish up [Read More]

Ring Around the Fountain

A bold PAX of 25 posted this AM. As Coxswain came cruising in at 05:44:59, the PAX proceeded to the newly erected Town of Cary downtown park fountain and circled up around the fountain. The men were blown away at its beauty and the Q drowned out by its constant flow of running water. Warm-Up: 20 Merkins 10 Good Mornings 20 Side straddle hops The roar of the fountain was so intense that the Q had to audible off of his invisible wenke and ordered the PAX to Academy street for an Indian Run/Hunt for the rock pile. [Read More]


Within days after turning 49 last year, I startedĀ hearing questions like, “Are you still 49?”, and “Shouldn’t you be 50 by now?” Contrary to McCants’ accusations, I have not been 49 for 3 years. Well, 49 no longer. 24 PAX showed up at SnS today to join in the 50th birthday Q celebration. It went something like this: Warm up Fellowship jog to lower parking lot 50 Merkins (because 50) 50 Hillbilies, IC 10 Good Mornings, IC 20 Mountain Climbers, IC Thang 1 [Read More]