Continued Odyessy Recovery

14 PAX gathered in the swampy pit of Marla Dorrel Park this July October morning. With the temp at 75 and the humidity at 132%, everyone worked up a good sweat walking from their cars to the shovel flag. Most were relatively early this morning, YHC assumed that spirits were high with anticipation. 5:45, time to crush the spirits. Warm-up: Jog around the parking lot, weaving the Target balls and then across the street to the shopping center parking lot. [Read More]

Happy Birthday to Me!

What a fantastic, cool, lovey morning. And dark. Good heavens Marla Dorrel Park is dark at 5:45 in the morning. As it is so dark, 5:45 finds Chanticleer rolling in and undressing as we roll out of the park and up into the parking lot in front of Lowes Foods. Also known as “The New Order Cross Fit’s Front Yard”. Punks! I had a birthday Sunday and I am now 51. [Read More]

Everyone needs a little encouragement!

So I found out on Monday that 9/12 was National Day of Encouragement and that Chinese Downhill needing to switch so I had the Q! Must be God’s providence. Woke up to rain so plans changed a little. 8 guys started out and we headed up the Cary Parkway hill to the covered parking. Now for a little encouragement! My favorite verse on exhortation is Hebrews 3:13. “But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. [Read More]

I Believe In Me

YHC knew that after last Friday’s inauguration of V-AO #SLIPPERYWHENWET, complete with breakfast buffet, espresso-wielding baristas, and custom-initialed bathrobes for all attendees, the expectations of the PAX would be high. Like sky-high. Like towering moonshot, fly-ball-to-the-warning-track high. And I’ll be honest, YHC was nervous to be the Q shouldering this burden. Had a little self-doubt. A little lack of self-belief. But then YHC remembered the wise words that may or may not have been famously uttered by Mr. [Read More]

Moderately Slippery When Wet

19 PAX showed up for the inauguration of SWW on 09/01/2017. Must have been the promise of some good ol’ Midwestern casserole that brought them in. But it was the surprise bagels and lox that really won them all over. As an added bonus SWW lived up to its name (I knew it would) with a very tolerable occasional sprinkling of rain. Here’s how the morning went: Jog to shelter parking lot (farthest lot from houses) for warm ups: -Good mornings -Side Straddle Hops -Hello Dollys -Flutter Kicks (Low Slow Flutters) -Freddie Mercurys -Homer to Marges -Std Americans – I mean Merkins [Read More]

Flirtin' With a Double Dribble

On Wednesday, August 22nd, the Carpex Fighting Fish PAXetball team meet at Marla Dorrell park, the home of Carpex Court, for an early morning practice. 27 members of the team, YHC included and an FNG from New Jersey (lifelong friend of YHC) met at the hardwood (or pavement), because as YHC’s tweet pointed out, “Hard bodies are made on the hard wood (pavement).” And with that, practice was under way: [Read More]


YHC was super pumped up with Q-Drenaline for his VQ. So pumped up that he initially got into the car this AM without his running shoes. So pumped up that he drew up a 2-sided weinke in 4-point font that was entirely unreadable in the early gloom. So pumped up that he was nearly made late for his own VQ while waiting for “Gonna Fly Now” from the Rocky Soundtrack to download, so that YHC could get into the proper mental/emotional state on the drive to FWD. [Read More]

Switchback BLIMPS

2 fresh, clean, bright, pink head bands provided by Bert. Hey do you know who signed up to Q? Really? Hey do you want to do it? No, I got it. Does anyone know what time it is? Thanks Smokey. 2 Minute Warning, 45 Second Warning… Disclaimer was given for 2 FNGs. Jog around pickle, circle up for warmup- SSH, GM, Hill Billies, Merkins, Mtn Climbers Run to bridge, inverted sunrise to wait for the six. [Read More]