Lion of Fallujah - Memorial Day Workout

Memorial Day 2020 - Normally there is a convergence in F3 Carpex but not this year thanks to COVID-19. Multiple workouts were held and @Theismann put out a call that all AO’s be Q’d by a Vet. That was a good idea and very appropriate. YHC started thinking about what hero would be honored. The quick and obvious choices were my FIL or his West Point classmate Nick Rowe (Five Years to Freedom - His story of being a Vietnam POW). [Read More]

Can't Take It Anymore!

YHC saw the open slot on the Q sheet last week but realized it was the day after Tobacco Road, my first half marathon, and thought it might not be wise to sign up. Sunday afternoon rolled around and the sheet was still blank, and with no worse than slightly tender feet and sore quads, I thought, “eh, what the heck. I’ll probably fartsack otherwise.” 4:30 arrived with the unnerving punctuality that early Monday mornings tend to possess, and we were off to the races with plenty of time for me to sit in the truck and plan my Q. [Read More]

Step Up

These are strange times indeed. With the declaration of a global pandemic, due to COVID-19 infection, the world as we know it has changed. And will likely never be the same again. Our schools have closed, travel is quickly coming to a screeching halt, and may of the PAX and M’s who are accustomed to going to a job every day are being asked to work from home. Worse, due to the massive economic impact, some are losing their jobs. [Read More]

Pre long run, Murph-esque Dora with extra stretching and an attempt at F3 art

It feels as though it’s been a little while since YHC has Qed a workout. There was a little stumbling with order of events, but all in all, I think the PAX received a decent beat down. With what was supposed to be the Tobacco Road 1/2 and full marathons scheduled for this Sunday which is now the new and improved OTB TRM, the original plan was adhered to with no lower body exercises while trying to get the training plan’s 2 miles. [Read More]

Edumacation to safely ascend/descend the Escalator and Ladder.

Date: 3/12/20 PAX: Animal, Bobby Boucher, Cataracts, Henny Penny, Ox Tail, Que Queg, Ramsay, Shipper, Slappy, Track Star, Two Factor, Wahoo, WWW It was meant to be. Triple Lindy had the original Q but due to his M’s work schedule change, he had to pull himself out. I saw the opening and jumped right in or Slappy or Cataracts would had to cover. I was honored to take the slot. This helps my quest to Q a minimum of 52 times for 2020. [Read More]

Hell's Bells Baseball

Inspiration for this workout came from the exicon. Wahoo once said that F3 is like recess, and I really enjoyed the competitive nature of F3 baseball. I really wanted something that would keep our heart rate up, but allow bruisers to participate. When Water Wings and Disco Duck requested a 7th inning stretch, I knew this was a good workout. Started with a quick 1/4 mile mosey and then moved into Warm Up [Read More]

Musical Monday with Hanson, Ep. 1

A few weeks back YHC was bemoaning the fact that we have an AO named Hells Bells but rarely have any music. Then I had a revelation. The Q picks the soundtrack. Also, I had been planning to Q more this year. Thus the PAX were stuck with YHC for 45 minutes this beautiful Monday morning. YHC arrived around 4:50 and hit the pull up bars while Revere and Mohawk went for a run. [Read More]

Curing a Case of the Mondays

YHC was reminiscing a bit with some of the PAX who were around for the launch of the AO known as Hell’s Bells. Back in the day when this site was just barely beyond a twinkle in the eyes of Earhart & Monkey Nut, there were times when the site Qs posted only to do a 2 man workout. Back in the glory days when the gates at Apex Nature Park always opened well before 0530. [Read More]

Burpees, Bears, and Blocks! Oh my!

For my VQ, I thought it best to combine some of my least and therefore most memorable workouts over my last six months in F3. The two Q’s who I got the most from was Banjo and Wahoo. These two Q’s provided the inspiration for burpees and blocks. In order to increase the alliteration in the title of the workout, I did some digging in the Exicon to find an exercise that combined bear crawls and cinder blocks. [Read More]

Thank Heaven for 7-11

Preamble Well the last time I worked out was the Krispy Kreme challenge almost 2 weeks ago. I’ve been doing some fantastic smart sacking (missing the 20’s and a good bit of rain) but my knee is feeling better than it has felt since July, so I was excited for this morning. But then I slept terrible, seriously, the night before the Q is like the night before a flight. I swear I wake up around 20 times to make sure I didn’t oversleep. [Read More]