It Was All Cauliflower's Idea

Picasso is credited with saying, “good artists borrow, great artists steal”. Whether Picasso coined that phrase is under debate, but I believe the sentiment to be true. I got this idea from Cauliflower at Rush Hour and expanded on it a bit. Started with the pledge and mosey. Warm Up Good Mornings Elevator Merkins Imperial Walkers Runner’s Stretch Sir Fazio Forward Seal Claps Sir Fazio Reverse Only Thang All PAX grabbed a bell and a cinder block. [Read More]

Four Corner Burnout

It twas a great morning in the downtown part of Apex as (lucky number) 13 pax, including an FNG, showed up for a beatdown! YHC made sure to get there a few minutes ahead of schedule to make sure Google maps was still all it was cracked up to be.. as well as my memory.. So after the disclaimer was given and the pledge was recited, we were off! Warm up: [Read More]

Goes without saying...

Today was YHCs 4th Q in 6 days. By now, the scoops of vanilla were overflowing the bowl so I had all intentions of coming up with a fool proof plan for today’s beat down. Well, then I was on the road for 12 hours for work yesterday and decided to roll with a couple ideas I had in my head. It had been a while since I’ve posted at the OG Lions Den site and sort of forgot how intimate certain areas can be. [Read More]

A "Murph-ish" workout

This guy and Chanticleer for a little EC Bells were grabbed, instructions were given, running was questioned. **The Thang **Our workout was similar to a Murph in the sense that we ran a mile, did 3 exercises for a period of time, then finished with another mile. The 3 exercises were KB Merkin/Row combo; Goblet Squat; KB swing. We did sets of 5;10;15 respectively and repeated until we ran out of time. [Read More]

The S.S. Schlitz's One hour tour...

As YHC’s quest to complete more of the 2020 Carpex challenge continues, it was time to take a turn at the Phoenix Q. Bond Park is such a large AO, with so many options, I wanted to take the Pax on a tour of some of the typical stops along a Phoenix/SNS beatdown. YHC and the Triplest of Lindy’s for a nice, balmy 3 mile EC run. Here’s what went down: [Read More]

The American Dream

Disclaimer. Mosey to front of school for some warm up thingys: ssh, imperial walkers, calf and runners stretch, good am. Mosey to east side of school; 5 rounds, 10 L/R heel touches at bottom cross walk, up the stairs, 10 diamond merkins at entrance, repeat. 110 yard length of driveway on east side, 6 burpees, run length, 6 burpees, return, repeat for 10 minutes. Mosey to back of school, Billy run [Read More]


When Hanson asked for someone to step up and take his Q this morning YHC gladly accepted the challenge. The first detour was expected since it was well advertised that YHC would be the QIC. The next detour was caused by the locked gates. The site Q’s need to see someone about that since it was starting to be a regular occurrence. The third detour was YHC realized the field was locked. [Read More]

100' from the pool and still drenched

The NC summer is officially here. How does one know? When you’re driving to an AO at 4:43 AM and your wipers are going but it’s not actually raining… it’s humid. And hot. And it was both of those today. [Editor’s note: as I was working on this BB, YHC noted that Cauliflower posted an eerily similar BB at the same time. You can read his masterpiece here:] EC: Called an EC run. [Read More]

A Way Back

Today was my second day back in the Gloom and my first day Q-ing in it. I had stayed strong during the lockdown virtually posting with Traffic Cone 4-5 times a week. The rest of our shield lock fell off or went back to the gloom over time but we held strong until Memorial Day. After a pretty grueling Q before the holiday I decided to take a rest day. And that was when the wheels finally fell off. [Read More]

Who the heck is Rainbow Larry?

When I woke up and heard the thunder and rain I didn’t even flinch. I just rolled out of bed and continued my morning routine. I knew it was going to be wet. I just hoped the Q, Rainbow Larry would keep us relatively dry in the case of a downpour. Luckily Dantes Peak has a nice Pavilion with benches. When YHC finally pulled into the AO I noticed Cheddar Bo had unlocked the gates. [Read More]