Last day of 2020...

So today is December 31st, so naturally the last day of the year 2020. What a year it’s been, to say the least. I figured what better way to Q the first workout of the last day of 2020 than to use it as a theme. I decided to do 20 reps of 20 exercises in a 4 corners situation. Here’s what we did: Warmup: YHC and 7 Pax at the flag (almost) at 0515 on an extra gloomy day. [Read More]


It was a cold December day, just above freezing, when I pulled into the parking lot of Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Apex. A few PAX were in their vehicles keeping warm, a few out moving around the parking lot doing I know not what. The kettle bells were not out of their container yet, so with TrackStar’s help we pulled more than enough bells out for the 11 PAX that came out to join me in the gloom. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 1 Hells Bells

Date: 12/14/2020 PAX: Reentry, Snots, Ma Bell, Yahoo, Wahoo, Triple Lindy, Earhart, Entitlement, Roasters, Theismann, Side Out, Track Start, Kwik Stop, Free Bird, WWW Q’ing for a whole week to commemorate my birthday on 12/16 & also my F3-versary since 2017. I first heard about F3 while I was in the Cary YMCA. There was a guy in the gym talking about it to his friend. He heard about F3 in Next Door website. [Read More]


11 PAX is a decent number for a subfreezing morning at the only AO in Carpex that has an 0515 start time. Welcome to YHC’s annual Back in Black Q! 3 PAX for a 7 minute EC run. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, mosey to the big Koka Booth parking lot. Circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, Runners stretch and calf stretch. The Thang Run the outer loop of the parking lot, which is around 0. [Read More]

Merkin Fest

School was back in session on Thursday, and 13 lucky pax made it out to gloom for the beatdown! With about 15 minutes till the start a few pax came in from their EC run, and 1 pax came in hot with a few seconds to spare. So with that the disclaimer was given, the pledge was recited and we were off running a lap around the parking lot! Warm Up: [Read More]

Hidden Agenda

17 pax: Banjo, Bootlegger, Disco duck, Earhart, Headroom, Hummus, Juicy Fruit, Kool-Aid, Peeping Tom, Ramsey, Side Out, Slim Shady, Snooki, Steaks, Theismann, Triple Lindy, Wahoo, Warmup 2 line Indian run around the front of church, back to flag, and then various warmup exercises and active stretching. ME. Though the men did not know it, the following exercises are ones elite trail runners use that don’t live in mountainous terrain. Two line Indian run to the planter boxes, grab a partner. [Read More]

Kettle What???

The Carpex challenge tour continues as YHC takes the Q at the premiere (only) Carpex Kettlebell workout! Admittedly, YHC is not typically a KB guy, but as previously stated, Carpex challenge. I have a friend that posts some KB workouts on the book of face so I was going to steal one of her workouts, until I tried to do the first set of exercises and realized my bell was too heavy and I would die if I attempted that. [Read More]

Vanilla or Spicy?

That was the question leading into this Q. Was this going to a plain vanilla standard bootcamp or will I think of something spicy to throw at the Pax. Let’s wait to answer this at the end. FNG was present so standard disclaimer given to also include social distancing and avoidance of fist bumps. And we’re off. Mosey up the hill and over to the basketball court for warmups. Also included the first 5 reps of Jack Webb. [Read More]

"Grundel to the Ground"

Well its both hard to believe its only been a year and hard to believe a year has gone by. Having been while since I’ve Q’d, I decided to pick up Dante’s Peak for my F3 Anniversary. I arrived a little early to sort out and finalize my plans with a short EC around the site getting in a few pull-ups and scaring something that sounded larger than it should have been in the woods by the amphitheater (or did it scare me? [Read More]

Peace Disturbed

Its been a long time since I wrote a back blast. I think I have skipped writing one for the last 5-6 times I’ve Q’d. With trying to keep track of Pax attending workouts I better write this out to keep us all safe. So I’m going to keep this simple too. Standard warmup/stretching in Apex PD parking lot. Mosey to bottom of hill and partner up. Time for some Catch me if you can. [Read More]