Q Swap Week Countinues - Tabata Crush with Ultimate Frisbee at the Mighty SW Thunder

Date: 1/15/2020 AO: Thunder (SW) PAX: Cataracts, Cauliflower, Disco Duck, Fanny Pack, Gump, Kermit, Kubota, Pikachu, Red Ryder, Wahoo, WWW I got the call from HOTY 2018 and 1stF Q Disco Duck asking if I wanted to Q Thunder during Q Swap Week with our SW Brothers. I emphatically said ABSOLUTELY YES!!! The day and time was not an issue with me because I will take every and advantage to Q a workout. [Read More]

Who Stopped the Rain?

Everyone likes Creedence, way better than the Eagles. . . and apparently F3 stops the rain, at least in the POGL we do! It poured all night but not a drop fell on us while we worked out or during COT. Friday will be my 1 year F3 anniversary, this will suffice as my 1 year celebration Q. It’s been a privilege to get to know so many of you and I am a stronger man physically, spiritually, and emotionally because of it. [Read More]

We Have Liftoff

AO Launch Day. YHC was a bit nervous about attendance because there had been zero Slack hype for this event during the lead up. Despite that fact, a lot of folks somehow showed up to be part of the emergence from stealth mode. YHC knew something major was afoot when Ma Bell decided to again venture into “the eastern regions of his former kingdom” for not only the ME but an EC run taboot. [Read More]

Cluster 1 of 20

14 men, inlcuding an FNG - Rob Hann - hereafter named Shoe Horn, participated in a fitness event at North Cary Park otherwise known Danger Zone. It was 49 degrees, a little damp and otherwise a nice morning. The group gathered at the flag for small talk. BTW: Several men, perhaps Flacco and Rob were in the the old Site Q’s (me) parking spot. Tighten up. Disclaimer. Disclaimer and Notice F3 Nation, Inc. [Read More]

Drive Thru Without a Car

YHC fiiiinally getting his first taste of a HFT Q! 18 other pax joined, 2 without sleeves. We heard the disclaimer, pledged our allegiance, ran to warm up, ran to the daycare and partnered up and got a demo of our first exercise, the toddler squat P1 run to bottom of the hill for 5 burpees P2 stay and to AMRAP overhead claps P1 + P2 do 10 Toddler Squats [Read More]

It's A Celebration

Christmas morning, 2019. What a great way to start the day - with my F3 brothers! Warm Up Following the Pledge, PAX are given gifts of a card with an exercise that they call. All the way around the horn until complete. The Thang Mosey to the Townside Drive hill, with a couple stops along the way. Christmas day Triple Nickel - 5 pullups at the top of the hill, 5 burpees at the bottom of the hill, 5 sets each. [Read More]

PAX got educated about PRIDE AND EGO.

AO: HFT Date: 12/19/19 PAX: Bobby Boucher, Cataracts, Crimson, Flenderson, Frisco, Hamm, Henny Penny, Oxtail, QueeQueg, Slappy, Theismann, FNG Shake It, Short Circuit, Shut-In, Traffic Cone, Two Factor, Wahoo, Yahoo, WWW, We did have an FNG so we recited the F3 mission, core values and credo cited. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and 16 of us head off for the workout and 3 head in the other direction to get in a 5+ miler (Shut In, Slappy, Two Factor). [Read More]

Putting the B in Burpee, and Other B Words

I never know exactly how many PAX are boot-camping and how many are Vespering, but there were 20+ gathered at Bond Park expecting some sort of exercise routine. Warm Up A couple laps around the pickle to get the gams loose. Do the Pledge and recite the F3 Mission, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio forward and back, Seal claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks, and CFMs. The Thang Mosey down to the end of Maury O’Dell, hang a right and go to the nicely lit parking lot adjacent to fields 5/6/7. [Read More]

Will Q for coffee!

Apex was decorated for Christmas, and YHC thought the PAX would enjoy seeing some of the lights. After moseying through DTA, we stopped at the RR station with the purty Christmas tree, all a-light (see what I did there?). Warm-up Sprinkler Windmill Steve Earle Sir Fazio Bonus Burpees Not to be caught napping, we mosey to our next location. YHC saw a path between buildings that looked okay but turned out to be kinda mucky. [Read More]

Thank you for your [Carpex] leadership [challenge]

Here’s a dang shame, but one I’m HIM enough to admit: it took me until this morning to post at Hells Bells, and I showed up to check a box for the Carpex leadership challenge. But in the process, I fell in love with one of the finest got danged AO’s in all of Carpex. Seriously, this place is the cat’s PJs. YHC, Snots and Yahoo… or was it Wahoo… I never know… took off for some EC. [Read More]