Eagle Flyover at Our Flag

No FNGs present, a warm-welcome to all, Respects to our Great Flag, and off we went with Bacon and Blimps in the air. A quiet group… Warm up runs are just that - for warm ups. But why not add stuff in? High Knees with Burpees were called in segments on the way to stretching. Minor grumbling already. This was a good sign. WARM UP: SSHs, High Plank J-Los, and GMs were called but… [Read More]

1983 GMC Vandura

The AO A-Team has special place in YHCs heart. After all, it was where my first post was in July of 2016 with Banjo as the QIC. That particular day we had 18 men, and all but two are still Carpex regulars. In fact, four of those guys were there today: Banjo, Compound W, Michelob, and Shut-In. YHC rolled up with about 4 minutes to spare. Holy Schnikies!, nowhere to hardly park. [Read More]

BO and a Show

When my Wednesday go particularly difficult to deal with at work, I texted my M and set a plan for the evening. After dinner, we would take the family out for a special outing to a new bubble tea place on NC State’s campus. After all, they have this new ‘cheese foam’ topping that has the internets all abuzz. I have a strong stomach, how bad could it be? Rolled through town this early AM to scout out a new spot I wanted to visit with the PAX. [Read More]

A great start

I’ll be the first to admit that I did loose some sleep night before, I did end up rewriting my workout ideas multiple times, I did have some anxiety. And once we got rolling that morning I did suffer a bit from my winke. Mumble chatter was prominent, for certain. But I was warned. Despite all that after all was said and done it sure did feel good. What a great start. [Read More]

Escargot, my car go

I came across a news story Tuesday that the 2019 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees had been announced. I don’t remember how the news came to catch my attention but catch it it did. Start with the fact that two of my favorite bands were on the list (again) and that I hadn’t even heard of a couple others and I got intrigued. An hour or so later, not only had I created a little Spotify playlist to listen to at home, but an idea for a Q was developing as well. [Read More]

Hotspot & Sooey were none-the-wiser

It has been a loooong time since I have Q’ed A-Team, so I thought I’d dig through the Backblasts to see what we did. As I was reading I thought this was a pretty good workout. Good enough to be repeated. And unless someone had a really good memory, maybe I can get away with it seeming “original.” The only two people who were there the first time were Hotspot and Sooey, and luckily they didn’t even notice. [Read More]

An Ode to Angry Elf

Two years ago today, YHC stumbled out of a slumber to visit Fred G. Bond Park in the heart of Cary. Known prior to that fateful day only as Kyle John Montgomery (save “Daddy” to a couple of kids, and “Skolnick” to a group of college buddies), this sad clown was drawn to a mysterious gathering of men, looking for a good workout…and an adventure. As soon as he jumped out of his car, he was welcomed with a warm yet equally obnoxious, “Hey, what are you doing here? [Read More]

Stetson Original

YHC had the opportunity to do my VQ at the AO where I started F3 nearly one year ago. I planned my workout on paper, used google maps to count light poles, drove through the office complex parking lot a few times, so I felt ready up until I got to the parking lot for the main event. Then my nerves got the best of me and I botched the mission and tried to say the Pledge of Allegiance in cadence and forgot the disclaimer for the FNG. [Read More]

Hablo un poco de español

Buenos Dias, Hermanos. When it was announced that Liverpool and Water Wings would share their Chimbote, Peru (or is it Chipotle…) story with the Pax at a bread braking and the Q sheet was WIDE FREAKING OPEN for that day, YHC had to jump on it. Knowing we’d have a squad on hand, I was extra excited (hard to believe I know) for this one. With a resounding Yooooooooooooo at 0544, we got ready to roll out. [Read More]

BO BB 3/7/19: Vanilla Just Tastes Better

15 PAX entered the gloom on a 40-something degree morning in downtown Cary. A couple guys did EC - you know who you are. By the grace of the SkyQ, one of the BO twitterkeepers tweeted out that YHC was the Q for the week. YHC may or may not have remembered that. (I didn’t) In light of that, I jokingly asked @shutincarpex what he was planning to do for his Q down the road, and like a good PAX, he DM’d me his pre-blast. [Read More]