Callahan = nudnik

3 for EC: Chipper, Flip Flop, Francois. 1 ran to BO from his house ~3.4 miles: Pierogi Humidity at time of Bootcamp: 91% Dew Point at time of Bootcamp: 74 Tank Tops at time of Bootcamp: 41.6% (weak) At 5:45 sharp YHC orated a perfect F3 and COVID disclaimer…..only to be badgered by Callahan that it was taking too long. Callahan (and it was obvious he woke up on the wrong side of the bed) said “I am ready to workout”! [Read More]

If by that you mean filled with joy...

18 PAX gathered at the most senior of all CARPEX Monday AOs to help YHC commemorate the completion of my 45th orbit. Hotspot expressed his pre-event concerns about the contents of the Q sheet, but said “at least you didn’t bring your stinkin’ speaker.” Oh, you mean the speaker sitting over by the light pole? Yeah. Good thing. For now, the speaker was to belt out some 1975 tunes. Not necessarily hits, but all 1975 releases. [Read More]

Add title

I couldn’t think of a title so I just kept what was already there. A few of us got after it a bit early for a little EC, and I saw a few guys getting a bit more after the workout. Here’s what happened in between. 0545, No FNGs so off we go for a quick parking lot tour before circling up for some Good Mornings, Windmills and Steve Earles. [Read More]

0.99 and some Wildlife Rescue

YHC arrived at Sovereign Grace church for a little ECP. No one there, except for me and 3 young raccoons stuck in a dumpster in 6 inches of standing water. First, not sure how anyone within a quarter mile could sleep with those raccoons crying as loud as they were. I put my pullups on hold a bit to investigate, and then the PAX started to arrive. Being that I like to stay on task, we continued to discuss and troubleshoot the situation during the workout. [Read More]

"It's as easy as ABC..."

So YHC had been on the Q sheet for SNS for a while now, before AOs started to close and practically all of F3 had shut down. Without still attending “F3” workouts, I know I would go to a bad place of staying up late, eating like garbage, and worst of all, not working out. So might as well still show up and see if anyone else does too. Low and behold, upon pulling in the parking lot there stands 3 other Pax and some runners cruising around the parking lot of the Bond Park Senior Center. [Read More]

We did our part.

YHC & Chanticleer for a safe distance EC run The government (and FUMC) approved 9 PAX showed up for a community safe distance workout. **Warm-UP **We circled up for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earle, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, and Plank Jacks. Mosey through the parking lot with some Karaoke and backward running thrown in for fun. **The Thang **Perform called exercises, either OYO of IC. If you have to stop ort take a break you are “penalized” by running 3 parking spaces ahead, as often as you need to. [Read More]

Draw A Card!

Tuesday Morning at Claymore 5 pax gathered in the gloom to get in some good work. So, after a sort of awkward greeting (as we were not exactly sure what to do with our hands, or at least YHC wasn’t. For anyone reading this in the future, the world was dealing with Coronavirus) and a quick disclaimer we were off moseying over to the playground side of the parking lot. [Read More]

Shooting Bricks at SWW

It was a rainy Friday the 13th but 17 PAX showed up for the only March Madness in town. Started off with the pledge and circle up for Warm ups Good Mornings (13) SSH (13) HillBillies (13) Diamond Merkins (13) One Legged Homer to Marge (13 each leg) Runners stretch (13 count each leg) Hermes not able count past 10 in Roman numerals Thang 1 Partner Murphish Dora 50 Pull Ups 100 Merkins 150 Bobby Hurleys Takes turns running around pickle Thang 2 [Read More]

Hundreds on Hundreds

Twas a beautiful morning at FWD as 18 pax gathered for a beatdown. YHC has made it a goal to Q a lot more this year, so this was the first of several more to come! So, after the disclaimer and the F3 mission statement was given to our FNG, we recited the Pledge of Allegiance and were off. Warmup: After running around to the far part of the parking lot, we circled up for: [Read More]

Voting Day at FWD

QIC Staubach 25 HIMs showed up for a warm Voting Tuesday at FWD. We were expecting 26 but @bagels took a dive on the EC run as it was clear that he was slightly intimidated with what was waiting ahead. We are glad its only a sprain and hope he has a speedy recovery. I was a bit nervous with the size of this group but made sure not to let them see me sweat. [Read More]