
The idea for this Q started a few weeks ago when Sooey preblasted something about not wanting to drink alone at Off the Rails the next morning. My degenerate brain took that to mean that he was planning to bring alcohol of some sort the following morning. Turns out Sooey just didn’t want to post alone on a cold morning, but the seed of a beer-themed workout started to grow. Then last week at Off the Rails, Sooey mentioned that story to Disco Duck who was equally enthusiastic about some sort of beer-themed workout. [Read More]

Respect Week Closer - Phoenix Style

Date: 11/21/20 PAX: @WWW @Pigeon @Pierogi @Saban @heythere @baywatch @En Garde @Wrench @Entitlement @Big Red @hgtv @Kwik Stop @Happy Gilmore @VHS @Ollie @Kidney Stone Burt made the call out for Respects to pick-up a Q this week. It was a call to challenge Respects to lead the PAX to grow and accelerate. The amazing part of being a Respect is age is a number and not a discriminator. Respects can bring it and I have been a part of two Respect Qs this week and they brought it. [Read More]

Coming Home and a Whole Bunch of Nickels

Preamble When Respect Week was announced, I immediately signed up to Q BO. You see, BO was where YHC’s first post occurred and where Ma Bell was born. Make no mistake: the couple of other so-called Ma Bells across F3 Nation are but impostors. There is only one Ma Bell. But I digress. Anyway, it is for this reason, as well as the fact that this is the best AO in CarPex in terms of variety and history, that I have an emotional attachment here. [Read More]

The Push

Goal: To Push Everybody Monday of Carpex Respect Week I had never Q’d a running workout, so this was a test for me. All of my other Q’s were at Tortoises or Hells Bells or Tin2Iron - all low to no running AOs. Not known as a runner, this would be a challenge to me. So I put together a few pearls on a string to get more than a mile in. [Read More]

Lap the Fountain

The evening had a certain feel to it. The kind that would put you in the mood for a good workout! Mainly because it was a Tuesday night, and all know by now that thats Rush Hour time! 7 pax in total were there to get some sweat on (Captain Kirk would end up joining us for COT). So after the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and running. Disco Duck and WWW did some Bruiser walking. [Read More]

Three's a Crowd

Three pax made it out to downtown Cary for another evening beatdown at Rush Hour, and after a little time of fellowship we were ready to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. One of the regulars from the Bond Brother’s run club was passing by at the same time, and he stopped and did the Pledge along with us! So that was really cool! When we finished we ran around to back side of the town hall for warm ups. [Read More]

Herding Cats for COT

Big crowd mulling around outside the gates. One FNG – disclaimer given. Pledge and we are off. Mosey through some parking lots followed by a few traditional warm up exercises. Head to the lot near the shelters for some pickle partner lunge, run, HRM circuits Shelter for 11’s with Dips and Irkins Crimson suggests heading to powerline hill to find Chewie and Bootlegger Run to crosswalk doing 3,6,9, 12…24 monkey humpers at each lightpole [Read More]

Back in the Saddle

I’ve been trying to decide when i was ready to Q again and noticed a BO opening so figure that would be a great opp to get back in the saddle again. Solid group of 19 gathered in the parking lot ready to do some work. Burt recites the abbreviated version of the F3 mission and we are off. Mozy to random parking lot near the train tracks for a brief warm with no merkins, but with a on point Nature Boy Good Morning call. [Read More]

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for A-Team

Coming off the hill Repeatos, @Imp said it best on the jog back to the Mary lot. “I freaking love that hill. It’s the best part of this entire AO.” I happen to agree. Let’s see how we got there. YHC rolled down Laura Duncan with a little Madonna’s Like a Prayer blastin. There’s a good backstory to why YHC loves that song but that’s for another medium to be sure. [Read More]

Hermes is a beast

And today he was a beast at complaining. It was like I was at BO with Callahan all over again. But I’m getting ahead of myself. YHC slept like crap last night. Tossed and turned dreaming about Uwharrie. You see, B-a-B and crew have a 20 mile trail run planned for Sunday morning that the heart is saying “yes yes yes” to while the mind is saying “you’re an idiot”. 3:24 AM rolled around and I woke with a start thinking it was time to get to SWW for the EC wit nothing but 3,124’ of elevation on my mind. [Read More]