You Get a Rock, You Get a Rock, EVERYBODY GETS A ROCK!

YHC continued my tour of the West Carpex AOs that started my F3 career with a trip to Field of Dreams. This trip was bound to be a good one with the plethora of choices the Q has at their disposal, and I hope the PAX got exactly what they paid for with their expensive F3 membership. Warm-up: YHC noticed that the PAX were quite happy to see one another this morning, because the mumblechatter was on point to start. [Read More]

Box Jumps for Breakfast

It was another cold morning, but actually felt pretty good. Maybe F3 is making me tougher. Warm-Up Mosey around the school parking lot and circle up for hillbillies (cause we’re in Apex), Sir Fazios, cherry pickers, burpees, monkey humpers and Carolina Dry Docks. The Thang Mosey to the stairs for three rounds of 22’s. Round 1 - Australian mountain climbers and box jumps Round 2 - Irkins and dips Round 3 - Wonder bras and derkins [Read More]

3rd Sooey-anniversary

In keeping with the theme for a 3 year anniversary, YHC had the Q for the 3rd time at A-Team on 1/27/2020, exactly 3 years after Crimson introduced YHC to F3 on 1/27/2017. Doesn’t seem like that long ago, then again it seems like a lifetime. Funny how time works. As fate would have it, my good pal Frisco asked if I would be interested in a co-Q. Seeing as Frisco has not posted in well over a year (or maybe just like 10 days but you can decide) YHC made the fatal mistake of letting Camp Frisco invade F3 and NOT alerting the PAX ahead of time. [Read More]

Tributes, Domination, and Baby Bjorn Rock Carriers

So this week, YHC drives past at least two other closer AOs, down Kelly Road to Thomas Brooks park, the site of Field of Dreams. A very expansive site it is, with lots of options to travel. Therefore, we ignore all that extra space and stay within 200 yards of the flag at all times. It seems FOD is trying to take on an SNS feel, with lots of running opportunities that are either EC before the workout, or are done in place of the workout. [Read More]

Bad News...

McCants posted last night on slack that he had some bad news. He was down with a bug and needed someone to step up and take his Phoenix Q this morning. Well, it was really bad news for the PAX to give YHC the trifecta to have three Qs in a row to celebrate 3 years of F3. A solid group of 19 PAX showed up at Bond Park to join in the 2nd of 3 Sooey anniversary Qs. [Read More]

Just be ready!

Back in 2016, I decided to go to the gym the week after Christmas. Be committed and show up BEFORE all those people that start in January. I was on a mission to be less chubby and more healthy. Spin class two days a week. That was the answer! But Lifetime didn’t offer a morning class on Fridays at the Apex gym. Crimson had been pressuring nagging encouraging me to try his new workout group F3. [Read More]

ABC is supposed to be 26 letters not 28

AO: Dante’s Peak Date: 1/10/20 PAX: Compound W, Beef Cake, Water Wings, Two Factor, Monkey Nut, Puddles, Track Star, Parker, Slim Shady, Hotspot, Cataracts, Hotty Toddy, WWW Life is always a positive when you wake up in the morning and get yourself prepared to post in the gloom. We had 13 HIMs show up for some fun. No FNG. F3 Mission, F3 Core Values, F3 Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory was recited. [Read More]

The Switcheroo

Not going to pretend that I wasn’t a little excited about this day. Today was my 1 year anniversary of my first post with F3, right here at Dante’s Peak. A couple weeks prior Parker messaged me about this week as it was his 40th birthday last year for my first post. So we decided to keep it quiet, leave him on the Q Sheet, and pull the switcheroo on the Pax that I would be leading the beat down for the morning. [Read More]

2019 is coming to a close ... Make way for a great and blessed new year 2020

A Team Date: 12/30 PAX: Crimson, Term Paper, Bagels, How How, Chicken Little, Hamm, Sooey, WWW, Hot Spot, Hello Kitty, Two Factor, Compound W, Rooney, Sixteen Steves, Silver Fox, Henny Penny, The Joker No FNG, 67 degrees, slight drizzle, slight wind. Pledge Our Allegiance to Old Glory. Off we go to the warm-up area for GM, daisy pickers, Sir Fazio, hip flexor stretch, calf stretches and Eskimo Merkins. Mosey to power line hill for the thang. [Read More]

Closing out DTP and 2019 with a VQ

With an impending night of debauchery in store for most, an impressive 28 rolled out of bed for a VQ by YHC to close out 2019. I must say, I couldn’t tell at first if I was honored to have that many show up or to pity them for what might be a disaster first Q (probably both). Either way, after going over the F3 mission and core principles with the FNG (nailed it btw), we headed out for what I was hoping to be an “END THE YEAR BEATDOWN. [Read More]