Disco beat me to it. So did Flip.

Sunday night planning my Monday morning A-Team Q, I noted on the map that Laurel Park Elementary is super close by. I’ve been with CARPEx for almost 6 years and have never been to Laurel Park. “Time for a first,” thinks I. Meet up with Flip Flop and Two Factor for an EC run. Head into the park as per usual but after running the regular long lollipop, Flip takes out of the park and to the right. [Read More]

Don’t be a pressure cooker ... learn to release the ANGER so you don’t go #ao-sat-offtherails.

Date: 3/6/2021 I really did not have a theme for this workout until I had some fellowship/bruiser time with my boy Crimson. It is amazing how simple but yet powerful a question could be to help a Brother release some weight off their chest. That question is, “How is life treating you?” When a Brother is ready to unload, it is time to put on the listening ear. It’s your time to shine and comfort a Brother in their time of need. [Read More]

Clockwork VQ at the Wild Wild West

My first post was at Lion’s Den on a Wednesday the week before Thanksgiving 2020, so I’ve been at F3 for a little over 3 months…and with 3 Q school sessions under my belt (shout-outs to Ma Bell, Disco Duck, and Red Ryder), I guess it was about time I tried my hand at Qing. Arrival and warmup When your Nantan pre-blasts a VQ, I guess 19 guys (and 1 canine) show up to set a new site record, even on a 33-degree Monday morning with chance of rain. [Read More]

That's Ten Enough

We had 18 PAX gather this morning at Tortoises to celebrate my 4 year F3 anniversary. I’m not sure if many of them were there to support me or if it was the fact that is was pouring rain yesterday and its going to be chilly with light snow tomorrow. 45 degrees with heavy mumblechatter. With 5:30 approaching, we started with the Pledge. Its a great way to start the day, and an even better way to get everyones attention. [Read More]

Sevens Three Ways

Site Q Sooey had promised 57 degrees this morning, and he was off by about 13 degrees, so 13 vets and 1 FNG had to deal with an Angry Duck Warm-Up Mosey to the Christmas tree in beautiful downtown Apex and circle up for a few warm-up exercises, including Good Mornings from Crimson. The Thang Mosey around the corner to the T-intersection next to the Methodist church and split into three groups. [Read More]

It Gets Harder as it Gets Easier

As I’ve been saying for a while now, I think I got spoiled by the seemingly extended warm weather we had this year. Cause now you can really notice the cold thats here now. This was certainly the case this past Tuesday as YHC ventured out to Q Field of Dreams. Which was the last of the different Tues/Thurs workouts I had planned to Q this year! 19 Pax in total made it out to the site, though the runners were already long gone by the time the bootcamp began. [Read More]

Disclaimer: We Won't Run.

YHC hadn’t posted since Hot for Teacher last week as I was dealing with a bum ankle, so when coming up with a plan for this morning, I thought it’d be a good idea to limit the running and just hit upper body hard. I announced to the group how unprofessional I am and made a disclaimer that we wouldn’t be doing a lot of running. I quickly realized in the first mosey that the ankle was feeling pretty darn good so I changed my plans on the fly and incorporated the worst hill I could find. [Read More]

Great job naming the "bridge," Tang...we've only called it that for always

I like this AO site…there’s a reason it hosts 3 of CARPEX’s workouts every week. I posted a bit early to scout the site for my ideas, said farewell to the EC bubbas and headed into the Gloom of Apex Community Park. I had originally planned on the Dora encompassing the loop from the pavilion all the way around the utility access trail and back through the parking lots (approx. . [Read More]

Almost Official

7 PAX joined YHC for the soft launch of the first official Saturday AO in Apex! It was a bit chilly, fall is definitely coming soon. At 6:30 we were off towards the flag pole since we didn’t have our shovel flag ready. After a short mosey, disclaimers, and pledge we were ready to roll! Warm Up: Mosey over to the baseball field parking lot for: SSH Good Morning (Crimson style, best comedy routine of the morning) Windmills Merkinis (10 OYO) Mountain Climbers Imperial Walkers Things 1: [Read More]

Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration 2020

8 Pax showed up at a very foggy Wild Wild West (that YHC completely expected to be Wet and Wild) on this 2nd Monday in October . Respectfully 1 decided to distance himself due to a wild weekend of debauchery (TYFYL). The other 7 mosey around the front of the school and back to the basketball court… Warm Up 5 Good Mornings 40 SSH 30 Imperial Walkers 20 Sir Fazio F bigger R Bigger [Read More]