Flying BLIMPS, Double Dora

First off, I just want to thank Half for getting a wicked sty so I could quickly snag a last second Q! You’re the man! (get well soon) Secondly, I want to thank Goose and Sky Blue for welcoming YHC with open arms this morning. Their hospitality is unbeaten. It really, truly is the greatest AO in northwest Cary on Thursdays! My last Q was about 6 weeks ago. I’ve been itching to lead again, but never took the time to actually open the Q sheets to sign up. [Read More]

Vanilla Ice Cream Social

BB 18 HIM’s and one @f3_breathtaker (worn by @CK) joined YHC for a very vanilla DJQ at DZ. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - Run the pickle twice alternating backwards run and both ways karaoke - Circle up for: Good Mornings, SSHs, Sir Fazio/OH Claps, Merkins, Hillbillies - Run to the shelter The Thang - While DJ Vanilla spins the hits, perform the listed exercises during each song and punctuate with the +exercise when you hear the magic word. [Read More]

Officially-sanctioned, Nantan-endorsed, non-Russian-doped, F3Nation-approved 2nd F

Guys, I have about 6.5 minutes to write this, so I’m going bullet-point, rapid-fire style. What follows is the general direction the flow of (great) conversation went during the Official NW Cary 2ndF (TM), I think you’ll see a definite trend. Given the sophomoric nature of the mumblechatter at Flying Circus this morning (looking at you Nantan), I’m surprised we started as elevated and cerebral as we did. What would you expect walking into a joint called White Oak Coffee & Tea? [Read More]

What the heck is an Octothreat

As the Twitterserve would have it, YHC and some of the fellas including Captain Insano got into a deep-cut thread over the weekend and thus was born the “Octothreat.” With the pressure of the entire F3 Nation, YHC set out to embark the PAX on the first-ever Octothreat. But first, another solid showing at Insomnia. YHC was looking for the easy way out before the Q on this morn, but the peer pressure pushed YHC into the 0505 start time (sorry to Angry Elf who showed up like a HIM at 0520 for recon). [Read More]

Superbowl Week Kickoff

<read in the voice of that NFL films narrator…> After much anticipation and preparation, the morning had finally come. YHC set out on his solo VQ. You’d think having co-Q’d with Kitty and Q’d a digital AO that one’s nerves would simmer, but, nay, not a steady nerve to be found. Ma Nature didn’t help with a deluge of rain, transforming Wolverine from the gloomiest AO in the land, to the soggiest. [Read More]

Take My Breath Away

You know what makes a Q feel good? When that special someone says at the end of the workout, “That might have been the hardest workout I’ve ever done.” It really takes your breath away. Thanks Tubeless. 12 PAX gathered in the “snow"crest parking lot of Salem Park, whose students get to enjoy quite possibly the most ridiculous two hour delay ever, awaiting this so called “Lap of Pain” YHC promised. [Read More]

It was a Dark and Stormy Morning...

Pre-BB The FMJ Q-Coozies are awesome. Nice work, Shank. To be clear, though, it was NOT for the wet Coozie that YHC partnered with Pet Sounds on this unusually warm and stormy morning in the PEX. YHC enjoys the challenge - to post, let alone Q, in the monsoon conditions that were forecast promised to be a great challenge to overcome. YHC couldn’t pass up the opportunity. BB 9 mariners manned up and made waves with Pet Sounds and YHC at FMJ. [Read More]

Lets celebrate C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S

12-21-2017 12 pax Banjo, Biner, Gomer, Goose, Hi-liter, Kilmer, Ma Bell, Napster, Parker, Sky Blue, Sooey, Tubeless, Pax asked to share F3 names for those that have not yet met one another. No FNGs. We’re off to the bottom of “Miss Hill” with stop on the way to warm-up: SSH, IW, Sir Fabio arm circles, Mtn Climbers, Merkins Lets celebrate C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Run to Green Level Church Rd, 10 of exercise, return, “Penitent Lunges” till the 6 completes 10 [slow knee to the ground lunges, with slightly bowed head. [Read More]


Pre-BB My kids love the board game, Sorry! I do too. That is all. BB 10 gamers made no apology for killing it with YHC at SNS by re-enacting a man-sized version of Sorry! The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Flag - Run to the Comm. Ctr., Paint the Lines - Good Morning, SSH, St. Merkins, Imperial Walkers - Schoolyard Pick ’em, two teams, Largemouth and Kyrie are captains [Read More]

Disco Wolverine

Seven PAX met in the gloom at the gloomiest AO in Carpex, but YHC was hoping for even numbers so we could partner up. At the last minute there’s Napster, coming in hot. Let’s roll. Warm-Up Mosey over to the middle school parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, plank jacks and Sir Fazios. The Thang Mosey over to the front of the school and partner up (made sure we put the two guys recovering from the Carpex Crud together) for Dora 1-2-3. [Read More]