No Squats, No Booty???

Apparently this is a thing? When Carpex was set to re-open for business this week, YHC figured he better get on the Q sheet this week. What better AO than Dazed and Confused? Then we realized that the gates remain locked at Apex High School so the decision was made to move to the site of A-Team right down the road. Where YHC Qed on Monday. Hey, at least it was fresh in the mind! [Read More]

Keep Calm and Carry On

YHC checked the Q sheet Thursday and no Q had signed up. I was supposed to be out of state this weekend, but those plans got canceled, of course. So, I picked up the Q. Warm-up: We started with the pledge, then 8 boot campers separated off from 4 bruisers / ruckers. We ran from the flag to the kiosk in Bond Park for a little warm-up, basically just stretching with some good mornings, calf-stretch, and arm circles. [Read More]

Momma Said Knock You Out

Having just passed over the #AO-Wed-LionsDen site Q duties over last week, YHC had already planned to start traveling a bit on Wednesdays. The first stop on the #retirement_tour was Tortoise. Or is it Tortoises? A few PAX were doing pull-ups early, then others started to roll in. Finally Yogi came rolling in. The PAX, having just been talking about proper social distancing, mentioned that Yogi was likely to just pull in close for a nice kiss. [Read More]

A Year Goes By Fast

A little over a year ago, YHC was talking with our awesome 1st F Qs about a new Wednesday workout. Numbers were problematic across all the AOs, and I had some ideas about where might be a good place to launch. We talked about a number of options, and through those conversations I learned another PAX was interested in the same thing. To this point, I didn’t know Sour Mash very well - 99% sure that this was my fault. [Read More]


YHC and Crimson haven’t be able to go to the same workouts very often since YHC has been running more and Crimson was recovering from some knee trouble. So, out of that, the theme for this morning was born. Some of us would run and some would walk. Turns out Smokey called an IR so that fit even better. Here is how it went down! 5:30 - no site Qs thus no flag so a quick disclaimer and we were off. [Read More]

Triple scoop of Dora-tabata

17 Pax decided to Q shop and ended up at the POGL’s finest downtown AO, Disturbing the Peace this morning. YHC stayed up way too late last night finalizing my plans for the Q today. It was planned out to the minute. No fng’s and not a minute to spare, time for the pain. Quick mosey to the church parking lot to warm up. This was timed. SSH’s, good mornings, sir fazio, calf stretch and runner stretch. [Read More]

Hell's Bells Baseball

Inspiration for this workout came from the exicon. Wahoo once said that F3 is like recess, and I really enjoyed the competitive nature of F3 baseball. I really wanted something that would keep our heart rate up, but allow bruisers to participate. When Water Wings and Disco Duck requested a 7th inning stretch, I knew this was a good workout. Started with a quick 1/4 mile mosey and then moved into Warm Up [Read More]

Musical Monday with Hanson, Ep. 1

A few weeks back YHC was bemoaning the fact that we have an AO named Hells Bells but rarely have any music. Then I had a revelation. The Q picks the soundtrack. Also, I had been planning to Q more this year. Thus the PAX were stuck with YHC for 45 minutes this beautiful Monday morning. YHC arrived around 4:50 and hit the pull up bars while Revere and Mohawk went for a run. [Read More]

Snow Day Bells

I hurt my right foot a few weeks ago, and not wanting to twist it up on the ice I decided to bring the bells back to Dante’s Peak. Showed up and one of the new Site-Q’s said his completely dry driveway was completely impassible. Warm-Up Quick jog around the lower parking lot, and almost slipped a few times so decided there be minimal running for the rest of the Q. [Read More]

Where the f*ck is Biner???

This morning, before we kicked things off, Red Ryder was sharing his feelings with the PAX eagerly awaiting the start of YHC’s beatdown when PBX interrupted with the title exclamation, “Where the F*ck is Biner?” Needless to say, Red Ryder was upset he didn’t get out all his feelings, but everyone’s attention was now solely focused on theories as to what happened to Biner and where he might be? Everyone had their own take on what happened, but eventually it was 0530 and time for the pledge. [Read More]