12 reflections on 1 year with F3 Carpex

Several Pax have asked what I’ve learned over this past year, and several more have asked how much weight I’ve lost. YHC thought a blog post was in order, and considered alternatively entitling this, How to become a HIM of the month before your first-year anniversary, but we all know that’s just a teacher’s pet game, sooo… (Just kidding, it was actually a very pleasant surprise & honor. Besides, we know that can’t be true because Suck UP hasn’t been named HOTM yet. [Read More]

Let's get swole!!!

So for some strange reason YHC signed up to Q this morning. The day after running a 1/2 marathon. Not the best plan, but at least Hell’s Bells is typically limited run. Also, YHC does not typically post at Hell’s Bells, but I’ve been around long enough so what the hell? Here’s what we did: Warmup: No FNGs. Mission statement and pledge and offff we go for a mosey around the parking lot and up the street. [Read More]

Are we still doing this?

I know we have a newfangled method of tracking workouts with attendance and what happened on slack with PaxMate, but part of me still enjoys typing it out for posterity. Anyway, as Triple Lindy and I were discussing running plans for this morning, I remembered I had a late softball game Tuesday night. It’s cool we can just run Friday. And then our boy Happy Gilmore dropped the SNS pre-blast and I was reminded I did indeed have the Q. [Read More]

So You Say There's a Parking Deck?

There’s really no reason I’ve not been to Dazed and Confused is a few months. So when I was looking at the Q sheet early this week and noticed a gap for Friday, decided to jump in there. Almost immediately, I heard from Mama’s Boy. Apparently he was watching the Q sheet as well. I figure the excitement he was expressing was almost certainly his feeble attempt at reverse psychology. Nevertheless, I’m not taking my name off now. [Read More]

Round Robin at #ao-mon-hellsbells

Date: 8/16/2021 PAX: Wahoo, Reentry, Bronx Bomber, Clockwork, Three Finger Salute, Dr. Suess, Hey There, Theismann, Side-Out, Left Cheek, Bolton, Tramp Stamp, Roasters, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, WWW Signed up to help out Wahoo when he posted on 1stF asking for a Q. I took the opportunity to lead. Met up with the HIMs in the gloom and they were fired up to go. Went through all the F3 administravia (Mission, Core Values, Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory. [Read More]

Breaking news: Men with maces running around town can't even properly disturb the peace

Despite tools made to crumble cement, a group of men wearing odd sweatbands who descended upon poor, fair POGL failed to break a single window. Although passersby described the group as “sweaty” and “out-of-breath,” no demolition dust or other typical signs of modern-day peaceful protests were observed. Chants included reciting the (American) pledge and closing in prayer. No posters observed, but many bumper stickers with an F3 logo have given reporters a hot lead to follow. [Read More]


This is going to be short. Sorry fellas. I’m beat. Kids are out of town still so last night the M and I went to dinner at Hank’s Dive Bar in DTC. It’s not really a dive but the drinks are good and the fried cauliflower is fantastic. Recommended. I had seen Chewie walk by the window earlier in the evening so as we were leaving I gave the place a bit of a scan to see if I would spot him. [Read More]

Don't Panic

AO: Dante’s Peak Workout Date: 07/02/21 When scoping out my Q, I quickly recognized Apex Nature Park from my Piranha Park Q. Excited for another visit, I pulled up to the park entrance just before 0540 to find the parking lot gate closed and no cars in sight. Was I at the wrong park? I tried to pull up f3carpex.com on my phone, but it wasn’t loading. In a decent panic, I drove back the way I came on Evans. [Read More]

Better late than never?

So admittedly, this is like a week and a half overdo, but here’s my backblast from my GT Q from 1/11. Full disclosure (as previously stated in my Green Mile BB) I am a sucker for free stuff. And I have a problem with the number of pairs of socks I own already, so with the opportunity of free socks, I jumped at that chance! Anyway, I was surprised to see the number of cars in the parking lot that Friday morning. [Read More]

Double Sevens!

So YHC made the mistake of asking earlier in the week who had the Q for Piranha Park on Saturday. Well, site Q Peeping Tom replied no one and asked if I wanted to take it. I said maybe, so naturally he just went ahead and put my name on the sheet. Fair enough, let’s see what I can do with an hour… Warmup: Pledge of allegiance to the flag and mission statement and off we head out of the park towards the road. [Read More]