Slow Roast Chicken

This was Q #5 and I keep thinking about what makes for a good beat down. If yesterday at BH was a pan-seared steak and then put in the oven to finish, today was all about the slow cook, a nice crockpot set on the counter emitting aromas that fill the house with love and warmth. Hanson and YHC showed up for EC and ECP respectively. If you ever have a chance to run some EC with Hanson you won’t regret the push and the fellowship. [Read More]

A Beautiful Mind

It was a beautiful morning for work out that scored a 9/10 on the Cataract’s Scale of Workouts. I am truly humbled by that score and will strive for the perfect score soon. 25 HIMs showed up for a fun time at the Peak of Good Living’s best down town park. When I start thinking about the workouts I want to put together, the stream of thoughts that sends me down these random paths of connections. [Read More]

Final Countdown Beatdown

Date: 3/11/19 QIC: WWW AO: Hells Bells PAX: Ashbury, EarharT, FNG House Arrest, Kubota, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley, Monkey Nut, Puddles, Rooney, Sega, Snooze, Triple Lindy, WWW Hells Bells has always been one of my go-to workouts. There are so many things you can do with the KBs and it is defaulted to a limited run AO which is right down my alley. The gloom temp was spot on (balmy 60+ degrees). [Read More]

Good Times @ Phoenix

Great morning with a high impact crew at Phoenix this fine Carpex Saturday. We covered quite a bit of the park & had some good times! EC runners were cruising around (sorry Texas Ranger had to scoot out) & I got to chat on the move with our newly acquired PAX from Churham – Flenderson. We all hope this trade plays out well over time & we won’t miss the cow & two goats we gave up for him. [Read More]

Oh So Vanilla

When the temps dip down below freezing, it doesn’t take as much convincing to stay in the ol’ fartsack. Except when you’ve signed up to Q, and your M is planning to ride with you to FiA. And when you’re bursting with excitement at the opportunity to bring out some of the old favorites. Sixteen HIMs at the flag, including one FNG - disclaimer is exclaimed, allegiance is pledged, and we take a warmup lap around the soccer field. [Read More]

Fellowship Light Poles w/ Some WW2s

One year ago I showed up at Full Metal Jacket not knowing what to expect. Callahan was the Q that memorable day and the first exercise was a partner-carry with Freebird. There was running on the baseball field, BTTW, and bear crawl 7s on a hill. I never thought I’d last another beatdown, let along a full year. In an effort to make a memorable year anniversary Q, here we go… [Read More]

"I am rather inclined to silence" Abraham Lincoln

28 HIMs showed up for my VQ and TCLAPS to Liverpool for the EC run (Hoping if I tired him out enough he would limit the MC he promised to deliver. Today I learned never to underestimate that man and his ability to talk) 0530 hit, disclaimer and we recited the pledge. Checked my weinke and it said mosey so we did. Warm-Up Ran the path along the railroad tracks - stopped at the batting cages and 5 burpees OYO - remember the batting cages [Read More]

EH Your M

Your right. It had nothing to do with the 1stF this morning which is generally the purpose of a BB but from where I stood this morning it was the most significant thing I said. We spend our mornings pouring into ourselves and each other by way of strength building, creating comradery and lifting each other’s concerns up and we do it in the name of being better men, husbands and community leaders. [Read More]

Diamonds Are Forever

Today was the last day of YHC’s 52nd year on this big blue ball, so what better way to send it out than a nice game of 52-pick up, kettle bell style! A few PAX narrowly avoided penalty burpees by sliding into the parking lot just as we launch. As it turns out, they’d get plenty of burpees later on. #foreshadowing Warm up Take a circle of the parking lot, the long way, stopping at the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]


The weather this morning reflected my mood to a T. It was rainy, dreary. A slight wind took whatever moisture was on our clothing and used it to sink its chill deep into our bones. A real jerk move, wind. The evening prior I had hoped that maybe the weather forecast was wrong. After all, the weather experts/enthusiasts only gave it a 60% chance of raining from 0630 to 0730. Alas, I resigned myself to the fact that we were going to get wet and cold. [Read More]