El KryptoFell (Meadow)

Sometimes it’s just important to get a BB together to celebrate the fact that the most miles and greatest elevation covered at ANY AO on Monday, the First Day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty one was at Winterfell. Thirteen studs crushed >3,5 miles and >250 ft of gain. They are all recruit-ready for BRR 2021. Enjoyed it fellas. Not much talking up that little incline this morning. [Read More]


The idea for this Q started a few weeks ago when Sooey preblasted something about not wanting to drink alone at Off the Rails the next morning. My degenerate brain took that to mean that he was planning to bring alcohol of some sort the following morning. Turns out Sooey just didn’t want to post alone on a cold morning, but the seed of a beer-themed workout started to grow. Then last week at Off the Rails, Sooey mentioned that story to Disco Duck who was equally enthusiastic about some sort of beer-themed workout. [Read More]

Grundle-Dusting Comes to Cary (the Baby It's Cold Outside edition)

YHC made his virgin voyage to Whoville this morning. First time ever, and I have the Q. What could go wrong? First of all, I apparently park at the other end of the parking lot from where the flag is typically planted. Not that anyone would know, since the pin drop is in the middle of the school building. Once we figure this out, and the clock strikes 0530, there is a disclaimer given and the pledge is pledged. [Read More]

BRR Training 2021???

So it’s been a little while since YHC last Qed. Before BRR actually. Apparently I was still in BRR training mode when I devised the plan for today. That, coupled with how sore YHC is from back to back days of Iron Pax and low mileage for this point in the week I guess. Sorry to those that decided to follow me out there today, but hopefully you felt as though you received a proper beat down. [Read More]


Perfect morning to start at #Whoville. Cool and calm. @Clementine brought the flag and long sleeves. The location brought inspiration for a Candyland theme workout. Started of a little rough. YHC is still new to all of this. No FNGs – I asked and no one claimed to be an FNG – deserved mumble. Pledge. Run to the light – all 50 yards. Warm up and stretching with some reminder on how to play Candyland. [Read More]

To Taper or Not?

What is this thing that is called the BRR taper? 13 men showed up at Thomas Brooks park, the site of Field of Dreams, to find out. Four were doing some EC pull-ups before the bell rang at 0545. No site Qs, no flag, let’s go. Warm Up Mosey lap, circle up. SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runners stretch, Calf stretch, Pigeon stretch, and CF Merkins The Thang Pick a non-traveling rock. [Read More]

Blimps at FOD!

With all the BRR festivities, the Q sheet was looking a little empty a few days ago so YHC decided to grab the open spot at the original West Cary workout location, Thomas Brooks Park. In 2017 there were two Tuesday options. Only two. And the other site (FWD) is basically in south Raleigh so YHC and Crimson were FOD regulars. Today was great weather, the humidity was manageable and a great group of PAX joined together for a wonderful start to the morning. [Read More]


Imma gonna keep this one short. Why? Because the real thing went loooooooong. By a fair amount. Like, Saban setting s#!% on fire long. YHC arrived at FC a bit ahead of time and got some laps around the track in. No Sky Blue so no records were set but it was a nice mosey around the loop. Get back to the flag to see some old faces and some new ones. [Read More]

Horton hears a...Who understood what Tang just said?

Day 2 of Tang’s Return Tour resulted in sweat angels, confusion, and Bolton nearly dying. We had 10 PAX post, mostly all between 0528-0530, so I was pretty nervous for awhile about working out alone…I had a month of that in Cali and wasn’t about to repeat again. Nevertheless, the PAX rolled in, and after a few intros we set off. Bolton wasn’t sure at first about rucking or bootcamping, but he was persuaded to be our 9th camper…a decision he voiced many times that he regretted throughout the workout. [Read More]

Time is a flat circle.

YHC’s birthday Q week comes to close at this AO. The Green Mile. Ninety minutes of work and the week is done, on your birthday. Let’s get after it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mhZBLUyybo A little dark, but you get the idea. They locked the gates to the track. Bastards. There goes the first Thang planned. But like the strategic analyst I am, primary plans always have secondary, tertiary, and tactical options when confronted with obstacles. [Read More]