Hot! Hot! Hot!

Here’s what 4 HIDA’s did in 19 degree windy weather with kettlebells. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Pick a kettlebell that you want to use for 45 minutes. WarmUp Leave your kettlebell and jog the pickle, with ass kickers, karaoke both directions and high knees. Circle up for SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Steve Earles, Sir Fazio arm circles both directions, and Merkins (on down AND up). The Thang Split Dora - PAX partner up. [Read More]

F3 Dads - Pierogi & Co edition

Will keep this brief as YHC wants to get back to enjoying his Saturday but had to get this down, ASAP. Thank you all for the awesome morning today. I loved it, my kids loved it and I hope all of you did as well. Boone and Rosie have been wanting to Q for months and am glad we finally did. It’s awesome to think that when we first came out, Rosie didn’t want to even say her name at COT and now she’s out there throwing down a beatdown. [Read More]

The Legend of 44

15 HIMs joined me for my VQ on a cold, dark morning at the finest AO on a Thursday morning in NW Cary. After months of PAX asking if I owned a fruit stand, if my last name was Darling or if I accidentally forgot my F3 name (and received a girl’s name), today I shared the origins of Clementine, as well as a brief history on the Legend of 44 at Syracuse University (go Orange! [Read More]

19 Murphs in 2019 (2 of 19)

Pre-Blast 17 HIM for the second of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at FOD. YHC feels so inspired and encouraged by men who would make their way out on a freezing cold morning to grow stronger together. After YHC3 blasted this work out, everyman knew what they were coming out for: Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019. Awesome! The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at flag. Run to the shelter, circle up for a few GMs, SSH, Merkins. [Read More]

Grace California

AO: Tortoises Date: 1/9/19 PAX**: Free Bird, Earhart, Clementine, Puddles, Ashbury, Trike, Pet Sounds, Sub, Cataracts, Meat Loaf, Crimson, Deuce, Spartan, Frisco, Payback, Dust Bowl, WWW, Yogi, Quiver, Milton Bradley** There was a slight breeze blowing in when I arrived at Tortoises this morning and a silhouette lingering in the lot, solo, yet there. I walked up and had pleasantries with this man and we seemed to have met before, when others start streaming in with faces coming at me in all directions. [Read More]

Ten Rounds with Rocky on a Hill

Pre-Blast 13 Heavyweight HIMs knocked out the competition on Andy Hill at FC. PBX made it awkward at least twice. Pigeon crushed it. Trike complained about his cold hands. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Mixed run the long way around the entire complex, circle up at the bottom of Andy Hill for: GM, WM, 1-Leg Calf Stretch Merkins, SSH, IW. Grab a traveling rock. The Thang 10 Rounds with Rocky Balboa on a Hill: With your rock, run to the first light pole for 5 reps, then to the second for 10 reps, then to the third for 15 reps; turn around and return to the start stopping at the first light pole for 5 reps, then to the second for 10 reps, then to the third for 15 reps. [Read More]

All the lamp-posts

For some PAX, variety is the spice of life. They head out on grand adventures of Q swapping and comb the exicon for new and utterly ridiculous things to do to the human body. However, some of us prefer reliable and routine - like FOD with Beaker at the helm. It is kind of like an old pair of blue jeans. Simple. You know the pair…it has your wallet imprinted in the back right pocket and the threads are worn down where you knife goes in. [Read More]

And I Thought No One Was Coming

YHC forgot this was the 4 year anniversary of Shut-In (1/5/15 officially) so last week finding an empty Q slot at HBs was perfect! YHC and The Joker did some ECPs while we waited for pax to show. I thought no one was coming but at 0525 the parade of headlights flooded the park. 15 pax were up and ready to go at 0530 for the disclaimer and pledge. Pax # 16 joined us after our loop around the pickle for warmup. [Read More]

Full Starsky to DD?

14 gathered at finest Thursday AO in NW Cary, including 1 FNG and post disclaimer, we were off. Warm Up Mosey a little past the soccer field for SSH x 15 IW x 15 GM x 10 Merkins x 20 MC x 10 PJ x 10 Thang 1 4 corners on soccer field-Lunge Walk the width, fellowship jog the length 5 Merkins, 5 Star Jumps, 5 LBCs at corner one, 10 each at corner 2, 15 at corner 3, 20 at 4 [Read More]

The Bay of Fundy

I did something this morning that I have never done. No, not that. I Q’ed an AO where I had never posted. But it was the last one on the list and it needed to be done. And it was fitting that Term Paper was there to present me with the Award for Q’ing all AOs before the end of the year. (Note: One of the statements above is not true. [Read More]