Small Group Workout for Men

Pre-Blast 18 for Phoenix or The Maynard at Phoenix The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Small Group Indian Run to the West lot. The First Thang Bear Crawl the length of the lot. Extended Plank Series: 20,15,10,5 reps of ‘Mericans, Plankjacks, Mountain Climbers The Second Thang SGIR to the Community Center Grab and ego rock and partner up. P1 runs around the CC while P2 performs AMRAP Rock Rour Bodies. [Read More]

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

With the cool brisk October air in full effect, 21 PAX including 2 FNGs gathered at Hunterest of all Parks in anticipation. Some were wearing tanks, but more were not. First exercise, pledge of allegiance. Warm Up SSHs, Good mornings, Sir Fazio, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, Plank jacks, and CFMs. Pre-Thang 33 burpees to the dulcet tones of AC/DC’s Brian Johnson singing Thunderstruck. The Actual Thang Split into 2 teams to execute the following: [Read More]

Some Things Look Better On Paper…

Like clockwork my birthday came again this year. It has happened every year around this time for as long as I can remember. But I am a good sport so I picked up the Q at finest kettlebell workout on a Monday in Carpex at a church parking lot. I had an odd bout of Q nerves and sleeplessness the night before so when I overslept and subsequently rolled into HB one minute before start I knew it was going to be a productive morning. [Read More]

Double Down on 7-7-7 x7 Jackpot and a lot more taboot!!!

AO: Tortoises Date: 10/2/2019 PAX: Yogi, Roasters, Half Back, Meatloaf, Traffic Cone, Ausfarth, Ezekiel, Five Hole, Hotty Toddy (H), Crimson, Lawn Dart, Puddles, Rooney, Sega (HH), Wahoo, Shipper, PBX, Intimidator, Johnny Utah, Biner, Go Cart, The Departed, Ashbury (HH), WWW Tortoises is a great AO because it caters to all HIMs. This was high intensity with no 10 count rest. I had a plan coming to the workout but it had to be modified because of the high number; >20 (24 to be exact). [Read More]

That Rocked

A dark, but beautiful morning commenced at Bond Park as 22 pax gathered for another Phooenix beatdown. After a quick disclaimer and the pledge of Allegiance we were off and running to the community center parking lot for some warm ups. Warm up Good Morning SSH Sir Fasio Arm Circles Forward and Reverse Copperhead Squats High Knees Mountain Climbers Thang 1 Staying in the plank position we did a 10 count around the entire circle (with 22 pax, that’s quite a long time. [Read More]

Dawgpound Yoga

It had been a few weeks since YHC last did a Q in Carpex so YHC figured he would kill 2 birds with 1 stone and Q an AO that he had never Q’d either. PAX of 20 showed up for an old school South Wake inspired beatdown with a special guest - The Dawgpound (SW’s Kettlebell Master and Crazy Ivan Site Q) Warm Up YHC had a goal to keep things under a mile today. [Read More]

Bricks and Burpies

My name is Chicken Little and I began F3 on June 5th, 2019 with Banjo as the Q at Lion’s Den. I feel that I was hooked almost immediately, after several other PAX that I’m friends with told me that I needed to come to F3. I was like, “yeah right, who begins to work out at 5:30 anyway?!” And then I remembered that I was fat… and realized that what I WAS doing was not working. [Read More]

Brought my weinke to a church parking lot

Opening- Working on a short notice from Banjo that he couldn’t Q this morning, YHC quickly threw my name on the Q-sheet. No FNG’s this morning. No sense in wasting any time so recited the Pledge and let’s get working. Warm-up- After a slow mosey around the pickle we circled up for a Crimson favorite of extremely slow Good Mornings, SSH, Sir Fazio, calf stretch, and windmill. The Thang #1- First we counted off into two groups. [Read More]

See Ya!

AO: Tortoises PAX: ASHBURY, CRIMSON, EZEKIEL, FLENDERSON, FRISCO, HALF BACK, HELLO KITTY, HOTTY TODDY, INTIMIDATOR, LOOKOUT, MEATLOAF, ROASTERS, SEGA, SHUT-IN, SUPERCELL, TRAFFIC CONE, TRIPLE LINDY Today brought something that I thought was years away, my VQ. In June I connected with Liverpool at a neighborhood party and asked what he had been up to, he replied I’ll pick you up at 5am Monday and you’ll see this thing called F3. After almost tossing merlot with a Hello Kitty Q at A-Team I survived and kept coming back for more pain. [Read More]

Odyssey Prep

Honestly, I had no plan when I started out yesterday morning other than to provide a solid beat down. After a quick pledge we were off to the lower parking lot. Why? Because I seem to always start there. Warm up Circle up for: Good Mornings Burpees to calm the mumble chatter SSH Sir Fazio Arm Circles Seal claps Some more burpees Mountain climbers During the warm up, Callahan commented that he had completed many burpees this week. [Read More]