Race Ya!

23 of the finest pax in all of Carpex-sub-region-Apex-Wednesday-bootcamper-regulars gathered in the gloom this morning for a non preblasted beatdown by YHC. Pax pulled in with minutes to spare, EC runners caught their breath, and has 0530 hit we dished out the disclaimer, raised our hands to our hearts for our country, set our Stravas, and took off towards the school. A long lap around the Bus Carpool loop and to the church courtyard for warmup: [Read More]

Who ordered the vanilla cone?

As one of the site Q’s of this AO and a huge kettlebell advocate for working out, I took my time in coming up with a somewhat complex workout for today. Mumblechatter was high today as the Pax were trying to learn many new exercises introduced for the first time today. Let’s get started! Warm-up- Mosey around the pickle and circle up for some extremely slow Good Mornings, SSH’s, seal claps, and calf stretches. [Read More]

Freedom Rings even when you're Dazed and Confused

Date: 11/15/19 As I was trying to develop the workout, all I can think about is honoring all our Veterans this week and it’s RESPECT week. I always like to do something different in my workouts. It’s fun to scour the Exicon for new exercises. So, I dug deep into the list and brought out some stuff I’ve never heard about. Read on to know what we did: F3-adminstrivia done. No FNGs. [Read More]

Thank you for your service....

It may seem like a a cliche that we have heard constantly since 9/11. Some think it’s overused, some people don’t even think twice about it, but to some, this thank you does have value. It has meaning. It is recognition of a young person’s decision to step up into the unknown, to see if they have what it takes to serve in the armed forces. There are many sacrafices made by our young men and woman that have made the decisions to step up and serve. [Read More]

Excuse Us

I knew the site-Qs were beginning to sweat as YHC rolled in with about 45 seconds to spare. I have a morning route and was running a touch behind even though I had already been awake for 50 minutes. Alas, 25 pax had gathered and were eager for a challenge as the clock read “Go time”. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance, Follow Me. Warm-up: Mosey around the soccer and baseball field then back to skateboard park for some exercises. [Read More]

46 Degrees

46 degrees, the worst. Not cold, not hot, impossible to dress for. Yet twenty men showed up to Grace Sovereign Church this morning looking for a beatdown under these oppressive conditions. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for hillbillies (because we’re in Apex), Sir Fazios forward, overhead seal claps, Sir Fazios backwards, copperhead squats and Good Mornings. The Thang Find the car with the GG’S GRAN vanity plate and grab two bricks from the trunk, and overhead carry across the street to hill for elevens, brick-yo-bodies at the bottom, squat thrusts at the top. [Read More]

Double Your Pleasure with Double 7s Doubled

Two years ago I was introduced to F3 and it has become one of the top 10 most impactful relationships on my life to include all people and organizations I have been a part of. You HIM have encouraged and spurred me on to be more in all three Fs than I could have ever imagined becoming. It is with a heart of gratitude that I embark on this week of 7 Qs as I hope to give back to those who have given to me and encourage those who are just beginning their f3 journey. [Read More]

November 1

19 Pax showed up to the POGL newest Friday AO. No FNG’s this morning and no time to waste so let’s get started. Quick mosey around the lower parking lot and circled up. SSH’s, good mornings, calf stretch, sir fazio, and goofballs were called. Now that we are warmed up let’s begin. Most of my Q’s have some sort of theme, so we are going to spell out November. Partner up. [Read More]

Burpees & Presidential Candidates

Opening – Was a little nervous as if was very close to 6:30 and only about 10 Pax in attendance. I was happy to see cars arriving 2 minutes late knowing burpees would be in store for all! Warm-up – Mosey around the parking lot and circle up. SSH’s, good mornings, calf stretch, sir fazio’s, daisy pickers, and everyone’s new favorite The Goofball was called. The Thang – Mosey to the rock pile at adjacent parking lot and every other Pax pick up a rock. [Read More]

Sandbag audible

YHC was in the middle of a BH butt-kicking recently and noticed a REAL NICE stack of sand bags, and so naturally I designed an entire workout around them… and naturally they started to split and spill the sand RIGHT AFTER WE STARTED… but I’m jumping ahead. Pax out on a crisp sub 50 degree morning in Apex. 1 FNG c/o the Greek God of the Olympiad. A purrfectly nailed disclaimer and mission statement and we’re off. [Read More]