We rolled back the prices with Walmart Burpees

Date: 5/2/2019 AO: Bounty Hunters PAX: Cataracts, Cheddar Bo, Crimson, Freebird, Frisco, Honeycomb, Imp, Kitty Litter, Michelob, Mud Buddy, Old Maid, Orphan, Oxtail, Pivot, Quequeg, Qwerty, Rooney, Schlitz, Slappy, Smokey, Sooey, Sooey’s Dad, Sub, Traffic Cone, Ultra, Wonderbread, Whirlie, WWW As I continue my quest to Q every week for 2019, my fear is to run out of exercises to do or create a workout that will challenge the HIMs. As for running out of exercises, that won’t happen because F3 created a great document with all kinds of things to do. [Read More]

Tortoises musical beat down!

I couldn’t have asked for a better morning to host my first Q, along with Squatters help. We did have an FNG, so the pledge was recited, F3 Mission and disclaimer. The only running of the morning was a quick mosey around the lot and then circled up for our warm-ups. Warm-Ups Side Straddle Hops Good Morning Abe Vigoda Cotton Picker The Thang #1 Bearway to Heaven- bearcrawl 2 parking lot spaces followed by 7 burpees, mosey back to start line, bearcrawl 4 parking lot spaces followed by 6 burpees, continue until 0 burpees remain. [Read More]

In a Spring Daze

What is the meaning of all of this traffic coming into Bond Park at 0615? I would love to say the 50 cars YHC observed roll in in about about a 10 minute span where pax upon pax coming to receive the highly anticipated beat-down that was near to launch hosted by yours truly. But alas they were not. While the pax turnout of 25 was nothing to sneeze at, this was not going to be a typical quiet morning with the 310 acres of Bond Park to ourselves. [Read More]

B-day Q-Week Begins!

As I reflect on the year that has been and prepare to celebrate the completion of my 58th trip around the sun, I busted out the music from the decade of my birth and started the beat downs. Warm-ups The mission, disclaimer, and pledge were recited. There were no FNGs. We ran from the flag to the top right parking lot listening to Aretha sing “Respect” where we circled up. Warm-ups consisted of Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazzio Arm Circles, Merkins, and Plank Calf Stretch. [Read More]

Making Good Friday Even Better: Stations of the Cross

QIC: Crimson, Wonderbread, Flacco 42 HIM gathered in the gloom to commemorate the the final days of the greatest HIM of all time. Stations of the Cross is a Catholic tradition that marks each of 14 notable events the Christ endured on his final day on this Earth. From his condemnation by Pilate and the Sanhedrin to his final (well…not-so-final) resting place in the tomb. Below is the full text that was read and the accompanying exercises for the workout. [Read More]

Notso Final Countdown

Thank God the rain stopped just prior to 5:45, but it was chilly for sure! Tight group of 4 for the bootcamp, but we certainly made the most of it…also caught glimpses of Skipper-the Rucker (not Skipper - the bootcamper/runner) working hard wrestling some kind of bag….While once again the weather certainly could have been better, but it didn’t stop me from thoroughly enjoying a tight group of dedicated men. No FNGs, only familiar faces. [Read More]

On the hunt

OK fellas, YHC was feeling a little something extra this week in prep for a Phoenix-lead beatdown. I showed up at 0600 with a pocket full of scavenger hunt clues. Before setting out to strategicly place them around Bond Park, Brother Snots pulled into the lot. With that we rolled out… …back in time for some mumble before the beatdown, seeing no FNG’s YHC dropped the F3 mission statement and credo on the pax, and we’re off. [Read More]

Murph 5 of 19 in 2019

Pre-Blast 13 HIM for the fifth of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at DP. Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at flag. Circle up for OYO Good Mornings. The Thang Do a Murph (to the parking lot circle, back out of the lot, up the hill, down around the circle by the flag, back down to the pond, around the stage, to the pull-up bars). Run reverse course back to the flag. [Read More]


The weather this morning reflected my mood to a T. It was rainy, dreary. A slight wind took whatever moisture was on our clothing and used it to sink its chill deep into our bones. A real jerk move, wind. The evening prior I had hoped that maybe the weather forecast was wrong. After all, the weather experts/enthusiasts only gave it a 60% chance of raining from 0630 to 0730. Alas, I resigned myself to the fact that we were going to get wet and cold. [Read More]

Time to Tabata with some Thunderstruck sprinkled in!

Date: 2/7/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Rush Hour PAX: Disco Duck, Quiver, Theismann, Traffic Cone, WWW On my quest to Q once a week which is my personal leadership challenge, I want to ensure the routine is well developed and not so vanilla. I try to think of routines to push the PAX. Read on to see what I decided. We mosey up to Mr. Paige’s sculpture for some warm-up. Warm-ups: GM, calf stretch with merkins x10 between each calf stretch, Sir Fazio, seal claps, overhead claps, air presses. [Read More]