Box Jumps for Breakfast

It was another cold morning, but actually felt pretty good. Maybe F3 is making me tougher. Warm-Up Mosey around the school parking lot and circle up for hillbillies (cause we’re in Apex), Sir Fazios, cherry pickers, burpees, monkey humpers and Carolina Dry Docks. The Thang Mosey to the stairs for three rounds of 22’s. Round 1 - Australian mountain climbers and box jumps Round 2 - Irkins and dips Round 3 - Wonder bras and derkins [Read More]

Last Minute Q

Disclaimer- for those that have been to any one of my Q’s in the last year, I usually like to have at LEAST a couple days to write up my Weinke. With Headroom heading out of town and signed up to Q Lions Den that same day, he reached out if I could grab it for my future Q here. Without hesitation I grabbed the spot. 20 Pax arrived on time to find Headroom not here and that I have the Q. [Read More]

Who Stopped the Rain?

Everyone likes Creedence, way better than the Eagles. . . and apparently F3 stops the rain, at least in the POGL we do! It poured all night but not a drop fell on us while we worked out or during COT. Friday will be my 1 year F3 anniversary, this will suffice as my 1 year celebration Q. It’s been a privilege to get to know so many of you and I am a stronger man physically, spiritually, and emotionally because of it. [Read More]

ABC is supposed to be 26 letters not 28

AO: Dante’s Peak Date: 1/10/20 PAX: Compound W, Beef Cake, Water Wings, Two Factor, Monkey Nut, Puddles, Track Star, Parker, Slim Shady, Hotspot, Cataracts, Hotty Toddy, WWW Life is always a positive when you wake up in the morning and get yourself prepared to post in the gloom. We had 13 HIMs show up for some fun. No FNG. F3 Mission, F3 Core Values, F3 Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory was recited. [Read More]

The Switcheroo

Not going to pretend that I wasn’t a little excited about this day. Today was my 1 year anniversary of my first post with F3, right here at Dante’s Peak. A couple weeks prior Parker messaged me about this week as it was his 40th birthday last year for my first post. So we decided to keep it quiet, leave him on the Q Sheet, and pull the switcheroo on the Pax that I would be leading the beat down for the morning. [Read More]

Frisco FOMO

YHC and site Q had the pleasure of leading the group on the last Hells Bells of 2019. By the end of this week it will be my 1 year anniversary with F3. I couldn’t thank this group enough for how much this has meant to me to be a part of Carpex. With my 1.0 in town for Christmas and a member of F3 Cleveland, I knew I had to bring my A game this morning. [Read More]

Jack, Jill, and that Dang Hill

When I heard Triple Lindy would not be at HB on Monday I was elated. That left only his weak-willed co-site Q, Wahoo, to monitor me. Below is what we did(ish) today at HB. The theme was leaning on your brothers when you are struggling to get it together. We had a weight vest we passed around between sets. I pushed everyone as hard as I could without being stupid. I modified my plans when I felt we were taking it easy or switched it up when we were courting injury. [Read More]

Cinder Block Pyramids

I wanted to make this one brutal so I scoured through F3 Greenwood’s IronPAX challenges and merged a few of them together to come up with this. While I was at my work/geek convention (i.e. KubeCon) in San Diego I ran through this workout at the hotel with a 30lb kettlebell (the heaviest one they had unfortunately). In short, it sucked, but do-able. So I grabbed all of the cinder blocks and two spare KB from Hell’s Bells the night before. [Read More]

Just Breathe

So what did Faith Hill have to do with the workout? Nothing. But she sure is easy on the eyes. Oh and she put out an album exactly 20 years ago titled Breathe which was a reoccuring theme in the workout. 10 pax were at the flag ready to roll at 0530 so we got after it. A quick disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance and off we went. Warm-up: Mosey out to Town Side then head toward Apex BBQ Rd, left on that road until at the back entrance of St. [Read More]

Double Your Pleasure with Double 7s Doubled

Two years ago I was introduced to F3 and it has become one of the top 10 most impactful relationships on my life to include all people and organizations I have been a part of. You HIM have encouraged and spurred me on to be more in all three Fs than I could have ever imagined becoming. It is with a heart of gratitude that I embark on this week of 7 Qs as I hope to give back to those who have given to me and encourage those who are just beginning their f3 journey. [Read More]