Who is the Q today?

YHC had the alarm set for 5:00 sharp this morning…but hit the snooze once and rose from the fartsack at 5:08 after convincing myself to get to Wolverine today. As I exited the house, I pulled up the Q sheet to see who was going to lead this beatdown…I was just glad it wasn’t me today! Oh Sh*t!! With approximately 4 minutes of prep time, we are off! Warm-Up Brisk jog down the path to the parking lot Hit the lines Circle up SSH Poorly executed cadence for Hillbillies…. [Read More]

17,884 days down; 1 to go.

What a great morning! We had EC runners & ruckers; ME boot campers, ruckers, stretchers and rehabbers; 2 FNGs; visitor from New Bern; and a wide spectrum of guys who have been with Carpex from its earliest days to those who have been posting for just a few days. As it was stated often today, “Who has it better than us?” On the eve of my 49th birthday, it’s safe to say that I am in the best physical, emotional and mental shape I’ve been, in a long time. [Read More]

Core Principal #1....We Need More Core!

YHC’s goal for the SNS beatdown….don’t stop moving, and engage the core! My challenge to the PAX and future Q’s is to engage the core, and step up the numbers….it doesn’t have to wait for Mary! Though a fine 6-pack…this is NOT what we are talking about! Warm up Quick jog to the community center parking lot, backwards run in a circle to capture the 6 SSH Merkins Calf Stretches w/wide-grip merkins enough…. [Read More]

From Sea to Shining... Forest?

Coming from a quick meeting with my Shield Lock had me rolling in hot at 0528. Hi-Liter gives me the 2:07 warning. A healthy crowd awaited eager to sweat out the weekend of indulgence in the name of honoring the mothers in our lives. Props to all the HIMs out there who lifted up their Ms this weekend. That Most important relationship in our lives is often the one who imparts to our 2. [Read More]

No Merkins Today, Boys!

After yesterday’s chest and shoulder Kitty Kluster at Sippery When Wet, YHC decided it to be leg and abs morning. With the Brave and Mighty Oliie posting for a solo 5-mile EC, the remaining 23 less motivated PAX assembled for the pledge and headed out on a mosey across High House for a warm up. Let it be noted that Pet Sounds posted, fresh from RDU and red-eye from Cali! [Read More]

I will not leave you

Men, Two years ago today I showed up in the F3 Carpex Gloom at the invite of my fraternity brother, Jamie “Repeato” Roseborough. I had been back in North Carolina for about eight months and things were going well. I was getting in workouts about three days a week in the gym and crushing a strong 2-3 mile solo run on the weekend. Things were fine, right? Wrong. Something was still missing, and as they say, you now know the rest of the story. [Read More]

Stretch Armstrong

Date: 5/6/2019, AO: Wolverine QIC: Parker 18 gathered in the beautiful Wolverine gloom, officially the gloomiest AO in all of Carpex. No FNGs, YHC really butchered the disclaimer this morning, and was hoping the beatdown would only get better from there. Pledge, and off we go. Warm up: 1/2 mile mosey to the parking lot near the basketball court at Davis Dr. Middle. Circle up for 20 SSH, calf stretch left x 10 count, 10 merkins IC, calf stretch right x 10 count, 15 merkins IC. [Read More]

May the Carpex 4th be with you!

YHC is not known for Theme workouts, and to be fair, this is the only themed workout I’ve ever done, and could very possibly be the only. I’m just not very creative. I saw the Q spot open and grabbed it….LONG before realizing it was on May the 4th…..AKA Star Wars day. So, I had to come up with something. I even created a playlist, then left my BT speaker at home. [Read More]

It's Gonna Be May

Mall Walkers: Chinese Downhill, CK - These guys walked and talked. Mall Walkers with Backpacks: Hotcakes, Skipper, Carvana - These guys walked and talked with heavy stuff. Joggers: Hermes, Bogo, Denali, Largemouth, Old Maid, Hasslehoff, Hotspot, One Four, Coney, Chanticleer, Grease Monkey, Michelob, Bart, Half Baked - These guys jogged around and talked and listened to music. Baddass Bootcampers: Banjo, Build-a-Bear, Flacco, Franklin, Hi-Liter, Pivot, Saban, Sabre, Shut-In, Snots, Swag, Term Paper, Torpedo [Read More]

The Utes invaded

With little planning put into it, YHC was still feeling some pressure this morning headed to Wolverine, largely because Red Baron was in town and waiting for me at the front door for our 0515 exit. Needless-to-say, we left on time. 22 are circled up (a bunch of Utes rolled out of the Meatloaf mobile) for Wolverine and with that we we took off… out of the perfectly good (albeit dark) park. [Read More]