Up and Over

No rain, no gloves, 16 pax (17 by 0545), 1 FNG: Pin-up, 1 disclaimer. And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… My backblast! Warm Up Do I have to say? 10 Good Morning, 15 Hillbilly, 20 Merkins, 25 Side Straddle Hops Thang 1 - muscles Grab a partner and both grab a rock 100 Curls / 100 Tricep Extensions / 100 Should Presses - alternating 10 reps while your accountability partner makes sure you’re doing good reps. [Read More]

Animal House!!!

A FWD workout that doesn’t involve running to the bridge or some other far away place. They said it couldn’t be done. And yet providence found a way. Warm up: 10x - GM’s IC 10x - Windmills IC 10x - IW IC 10x - MC’s IC 10x - Murcans SC The Thang: Run out of the park on the sidewalk and then cut back through the woods to arrive at the basketball court. [Read More]

QSwap @ Flirting With Disaster – or – Slide Rules Goes to Carpex!

Background: For those who don’t know, Carpex is world region locally renowned for their Mumble Chatter. Also, the last time I Q’d in #SouthWake, the neighborhood FB / community running pages lit up with complaints about that “infernal loud counting” by F3 (aka YHC). Seems like a match made in heaven. Let’s make some NOISE boys! Background Pt 2: YHC arrived a little early to find PetSounds standing in the parking lot…in dockers and an argyle sweater. [Read More]

Italian Stallions

Pre-BB Italian is pronounced | iˈtalyən | … NOT EYE-talian. FWIW BB Love this site … what a great core of HIM. 13 prize fighters joined YHC to go ten rounds with Rocky Balboa. Last week YHC Q’d at Dawn Patrol and took the men there through ten rounds with Mike Tyson…only CarPex men could handle this upgrade. Ring the bell…here we go… The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the…wait…hey Site Q, where’s the flag? [Read More]

12 Days of Christmas Already?

Got to the park with 15 mins. to go and already had a couple people there. I chatted with Yoga Mat but headed off to see how far my warm up lap was. About 0.6 miles which would work nicely. Warm up Up the hill and around the parking lot to Chanticleer’s for Plank hold, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Good Mornings and 10 Donkey Kicks. Then we jogged back to the park. [Read More]

High-Tempo Molly Hatchet

17 of Carpex’s finest entered into the brisk gloom, 16 from automobiles and 1 from a bicycle. After auctioning off the Kryptonite Q yesterday, YHC still had the urge for a high tempo Q. Plans were made known via GroupMe (like by Hello Kitty and WKRP within 15 seconds) so YHC was guilt-free. And there was no need for guilt with this set of PAX, they all crushed it (as the kids say). [Read More]

11/21 2.4 mile string of pearl

19 pax for a 2.4 mile loop stopping at about 5 spots for some pain stations. Joe Smith led us for some Homer to Marge work at the LDS parking lot. We did some pull ups at the playground, a 10 count down the line inverted sunrise over US1, we finished with some one-arm merkins at the flag. Great work men! Dice gave us some great guidance on what F3 means to him. [Read More]

Circle of Death...

I guess it was more like an oval. I got there early to check out the park and Hermes and Billy were already waiting. 10 Pax showed up and Joe Smith placed the flag. We started off on our first lap as Fluoride rolled in. Warm Up Jog lap 1 and on lap 2 we did butt kicks, high knees, and karaoke. Circle up for 10 x GM and 15 x IW. [Read More]

Uphill Both Ways

How long’s FWD been in action? How long has it been since I’ve been there? (last time I posted, Fluoride almost killed me…he’s a BEAST) You mean I’ve never had a chance to Q there? What, it’s Sunday and there’s an open Q slot there (and at Vesper AND at Dante’s Peak)? Fantastic, time to pay a visit to Hermes’ homeland. Spent Sunday evening drawing up my plans, had my Weinke all ready to roll. [Read More]

Flirtin With Respect

November 7th 2017 QIC Fluoride The Pax: Ollie, Sosa, Dice, Oofta, Saban, Kyrie, Lite Brite, Chanticleer, Titanic, Mufasa, WKRP, Term Paper, Whorley, Joe Smith, Hermes, Wonder Bread. It was a perfect morning at Marla Dorrell park as I rolled in for yet another beat down with my fellow pax. As I walked up I noticed Hermes seated in a lawn chair donning a straw hat and reading the paper. He said he was waiting to show me the add for Sprigmoor Retirement home, thought I might be interested. [Read More]